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Everything posted by sammie_rogers_brown

  1. <p>Over the past year I have been immersing myself into the field of photography. I don't consider myself a professional, although that is my end goal. <br> Over the past several months I've been working on building a strong body of work, however, my portfolio does not reflect the specific genre that I want to get into...Weddings. <br> I've read that many people got their start my shooting weddings of relatives, friends, and friends of friends of friends. Well, I have no shortage of friends with weddings coming up....but as I said I don't consider myself a professional and I can't in good conscious agree to capture such an important day....I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone, especially good friends. <br> Instead, I offered to unofficially "2nd shoot".....you know, take a few extra shots in addition to the professionals that they hire. <br> My question is, what etiquette should I follow? I do know that one of the upcoming weddings already has a primary and a 2nd shooter. I don't want to step on anyones toes and I know how to stay out of the way, but I also want to take advantage of the opportunity. It could be a great learning experience and an opportunity to build upon my portfolio. <br> As a professional wedding photographer, how do you feel about guest walking around with professional cameras and possibly encroaching on your territory? </p> <p>Thanks,<br> Sammie</p>
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