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Everything posted by Dave410

  1. <p>I agree with CCleaner (great program; been using it for years) and Anti-Malware. Also download and run Microsoft's malicious software removal tool.</p> <p>http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/malicious-software-removal-tool-details.aspx</p>
  2. <p>Nothing special this week. I took this last Thursday evening and kinda like it.</p> <p>Clarification for Dick: The crosswind limit is 40 knots, but above 25 you can't remove all the crab. Cheers.</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Sounds like fun. I would love to see what other folks can do.</p> <p>Question: It sounds like anyone can post an image for processing so there could be many photos each week. How about posting just one photo and let everyone work on it? That way we could compare skills, techniques and visions. The challenge, however, would be obtaining or selecting the target image. Not sure how to work that part.... First come, first served?</p>
  4. <p>Good point. I've been trying to use the focus point selection feature recently and I guess I'd better keep doing it.</p>
  5. <p>Thanks, Larry. I suppose you would want to turn that feature off if you were stepping back and forth across a time zone boundary during a photo shoot, but it would be really handy for me since I visit ten or eleven time zones each month and sometimes forget to reset the camera's clock. I'm pleased the 7D has it. What would really be cool, however, is for the camera to know if your current location used DST or not and to set it automatically. Some places use DST and some don't. Maybe that's what Canon is saying about "local time." Cheers.</p>
  6. <p>Since your Canon 6D has GPS and GPS has a time signal embedded, will your camera automatically update its internal clock when you change time zones? Does it correct for Daylight Savings Time? Do you think the Canon 7D Mk II will do this?</p> <p>Many thanks.</p>
  7. <blockquote> <p>It's kind of cool but for what use? The area you want in focus either is or isn't. So now you see where the camera focused (as I can on my LCD). So what do I do with this info after the fact in LR?</p> </blockquote> <p>I'm thinkin' I'll use it for DOF familiarization. If I focused here and this is out of focus (or in focus), I should have used a different aperture. I do those kinds of guestimations on almost every shot and now I have a way to grade myself. I have a DOF app on my iPhone but I'm usually too hurried or too lazy to pull it out and I guess instead.</p>
  8. <p>This is kinda fun.</p> <p>http://news360.com/article/258136084#</p>
  9. <blockquote> <p>What I learned in the military "mind your AOA and fly a stabilized approach" even if you are in a crab. That was an expensive set of tires and a lot of mass to try and straighten out at touchdown.</p> </blockquote> <p>It looks to me like he had it all straightened out and then lost it in the flare. Ouch! Landing in a crab hurts, but sometimes it can't be helped. In my jet, once the crosswind reaches about 25 knots you can't take it all out without dragging an engine or a wingtip on the runway. That would be tough to explain to you FAA guys. (grin)</p> <p>This is fun, but I suspect someone is about to squawk about us hijacking the thread. Back to photography....</p> <p>Cheers.</p>
  10. <blockquote> <p>Dave. i was stationed in Tainan, Taiwan 1960-62. I was placed in charge of two t33s and two C-47s after one of those C-47s hit Mt. Parker departing through the Lei e Mun gap in bad wx. In those days our dependents did their shopping in HK. We went once a week and only two of us were allowed to fly the trip. I loved flying Cheng Chau. Had to be VFR below 600 foot minimums.</p> </blockquote> <p>Sound like great fun. Have you seen the videos of the 747s trying to land there in strong crosswinds? <br> Here's a sample:
  11. <p>Thanks, Lupo. I like your P-51 image a lot too, although I've never seen one with a six-bladed prop. Is that a racer? To answer the question, my image was with a 7D and a 70-200 f/4 L zoomed to 70mm and from somewhere in the high 30s. I'm always disappointed by the distortion I get when shooting through the airplane windows and zooming in too close makes it worse. Zooming out and then cropping makes for a better image. BTW, I just re-read <em>Shogun</em> - great book! - and I'll be downloading more Clavell soon. Any recommendations? I've heard <em>King Rat</em> is good, but depressing.</p> <p>Hi, Dick. I've never flown the "checkerboard," but I've seen the movies and that must have been a real adventure! When and where did you fly the C-47? My active duty squadron flew C-47s over the hump, but that was long before I was in it. The new airport in Hong Kong is very modern and very busy, even in the middle of the night. There are warnings about severe turbulence on final, but I've never experienced it.</p> <p> </p>
  12. <p>We had a couple of days off in Hong Kong on my last trip, which is one of my favorite cities. Here's the view from the top of Victoria Peak. The high rises in the foreground are on Hong Kong Island, the water is Victoria Harbor and beyond is Kowloon.</p><div></div>
  13. <p>I've been on the road a lot, as always, and here's a shot from over the Pacific at about 13 degrees above the Equator. I'm always amazed at how much rain can fall from little, tiny clouds in that part of the world.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>This is "Firefox." He lives behind the condo. I named him Firefox because deer are browsers. Get it?</p> <div></div>
  15. <p>I've seen this information in a lot of places. We'll see what happens next week.</p> <p>The GPS is great, but I sure wish the ISO was higher. Low light capability similar to or better than the 5DIII would make this camera perfect for me.</p> <p>Anyone seen any rumors on the price?</p>
  16. <p>Not really what you're asking, but a bigger threat in Rome is gypsy pickpockets. One will distract you (often a woman or child) and guy behind will steal your wallet. They are very good at it.</p> <p>Another threat is fake police officers. One or two guys will be looking at a map and stop you to ask for directions. One or two more will approach, flash fake badges, pretend to be police and accuse you of some crime. When you pull out your wallet to show your ID, they grab it and run. If you try to fight, they can get violent.</p> <p> </p>
  17. <p>Just a few comments:</p> <p>If you have a lot of RAM, the scratch disk and paging file become less important but a small SSD just for them is kinda nice. That's what I do.</p> <p>Consider how you're going to back up all this stuff. Keeping photos on the HD and the Lightroom catalog on the SSD complicates your back up plan. That's no problem as long as everything gets backed up. It would be a shame to have a melt down and realize either your photos or all your edits have disappeared.</p> <p>Don't dismiss overclocking. Not only is it fun, but you can really improve performance. My 7-year-old homebuilt machine has a 2.4 GHz CPU but it's running cool and stable at 3.2 GHz. I could probably go higher, but it's an old machine and I'm reluctant to push the CPU voltage much higher.</p> <p> </p>
  18. <p>Good information here:</p> <p><a href="http://www.aclupa.org/issues/policepractices/your-right-record-and-observe-police/taking-photos-video-and-audio/">http://www.aclupa.org/issues/policepractices/your-right-record-and-observe-police/taking-photos-video-and-audio/</a></p>
  19. <p>This is when you get really tired.</p><div></div>
  20. <p>Looks like Southwest is going to find the runway.</p><div></div>
  21. <p>Great work this week, as always. I especially like Katherine's cloud photos.</p> <p>Here's a Boeing 757 on short final to LAX on a misty evening.</p><div></div>
  22. <p>I'm confused. You mean you can't just replace the motherboard, CPU, hard drive, video card, RAM or whatever like I can on my PC?? (Actually, I'm not confused because I know you can't. I just couldn't resist pulling your chain. Cheers.)</p>
  23. <p>These are sake bottles and other trash inside a Japanese cave on the island of Peleliu. An Australian non-profit group removed all the explosives, but the rest of the artifacts are just as they were when the Marines invaded in 1944. There were a lot of sake bottles. </p><div></div>
  24. <p>I just like this photo for some reason. It was really quite dark when I took it.</p><div></div>
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