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Everything posted by solamnus

  1. solamnus

  2. solamnus

    The Bond

  3. solamnus

    Same kind

    Wow i never even knew the photo was a photo of the week and did not see until now how many of you have had made a comment here. Thank you for the feedback, i am glad some of you found it humorous ;) As someone said, it brought a smile to my face as i shot it and the reason among others were just that, to bring a smile to the world :) Happy shooting! /Martin.
  4. solamnus

    The meeting

    Thank you Amelia and George :)
  5. solamnus


    Thanks again Jorge, regards to you as well:)
  6. solamnus

    Sai, Stockholm

    Thank you Jorge, and you too :)
  7. Its a tough choice , but at the same time like someone else said here its a big difference when it comes to the final performance of the cameras. So it really depends on what you are after. I own them both, just got the X100F like 2 weeks ago. Im deeply invested in Fuji from before and started with a few compacts to the X-T1 and now the X-T2. I shoot with Nikon as well and the Fuji system was going to be my travel cameras. Now i use them more than my Nikon cameras for a lot of things. The X-T2 i would consider taking job assignments with because it has come that far. Its a beast of a little camera. Now the X100F tugged at my heartstring in another way, and before i was getting it i was redaing up on that and a few different Leicas, primarily the Leica Q. The cost there was such a deal breaker as well as the size so in the end i got the x100f. Its a FUN camera, and like you i like street a lot so that was my main focus for that. Before that i took my X-T2 though and used my 90 lens to take great street shots. Only problem was it was not as portable as it was with my smaller lenses any longer. Hence the X100F. I would not be lost "just" using the X-T2 for street though because as you said with something like the 23 or 35 etc its not a big camera but perfect for street as well. Whatever u choose though you will get a great camera for sure, its just that i would really sit down and think it through to figure out what the end needs are :) Good luck! /Martin.
  8. And yet another one from this weekend in Stockholm.
  9. solamnus


  10. solamnus

    At the Memorial

    Volker: Thank you :)
  11. solamnus

    At the Memorial

    Jack :) Thank you, yeh i have been experimenting a bit lately haha...i hope something good will come out of it. /Martin.
  12. solamnus

    Lady Raven

    Jack: yes hehe, it is, and thank you. Im also lucky she likes to model for me so much:) gives me so many opportunities to test my crazy ideas! /Martin.
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