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Everything posted by shane_mullins

  1. <p>After pulling the viewfinder off the camera I removed and replaced the focusing screen (it was already the right side up) put the viewfinder back on and now distant subjects are in focus. I will still run a film through the camera to confirm that I don't have any focussing issues. I really do appreciate you all engaging me on this matter and after what seems a very simple thing to do to apparently rectify this problem, I hope I have not wasted anyone's time in responding to me. </p>
  2. <p>I have a split focusing screen and it comes into sharp just short of the infinity stop as you have said. I think I'll run some checks after developing some film and checking out the results then. I'll shoot a roll of portraits focusing on the eyes and see if they are sharp.<br> Thanks for the tips so far...much appreciated. I'm also impressed with the quick replies in this forum.</p>
  3. <p>Hi,<br> I recently acquired an old Hasselblad 500cm with some lenses (all CF 80, 50 and 150mm). I've noted that when I set a lens onto the infinity setting and look through the viewfinder at a distant object, the focus is a slightly out. It requires me to focus back slightly to bring distant subjects into sharp focus. It that going to present me any problems? If a subject appears in sharp focus in the viewfinder is it actually in sharp focus? I have not processed any films from this camera as yet to scrutinise for any issues. </p> <p>Thanks,<br> Shane</p>
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