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  1. <p>Thanks for your feedback. In response to Craig's comment, I do not think high res scans make sense for proof sheets, but perhaps I could offer high res once the customer has seen the proofs, as I mentioned above. <br> With regards to the other comments, Ive already calculated the cost, and precisely the time it takes. Ive written up a business plan and laid out all the financials.<br> I understand the argument that photographers 'can' do it themselves, but aren't there many things we can do ourselves but prefer to send out? Another service would be organizing, refiling, as well as contacts so I suppose the clientele might be people with old negs that they've been meaning to reorganize but don't have the time or patience to deal with. I've met many of such, but perhaps this is wishful thinking that they'll decide to use my business and pay the price for this service. <br> I agree that I wouldn't have customers with film that was recently developed, because they could have it developed and scanned elsewhere, but rather, old films, in need of updating. <br> I think Craig is right that what's most important is how its marketed and how I find those customers. </p>
  2. <p>Thanks Ellis. I am going to use the scanner I already have, so the business investment is minimal. I had shot a lot of large format years back so last year I invested in a EpsonV700 scanner which seems to work well scanning 4x5 and full rolls of 35mm film. Right now Im struggling with the medium format set up though, which is why I hesitate offering that as well.<br> I think it is a good deal for a potential client, but Im still not sure if its a service that people really need. </p> <p> </p>
  3. <p>Hi, any advice on the following would be greatly appreciated. <br> I had been a working photographer for about 15 years but then became an at-home mom which began as a 2 yr pause, but turned into a ten yr nap, and as the world went digital...<br> Now Im considering starting up a small at home scanning service that will be offering a pretty specific service as I cannot compete with the large scanning photo lab prices. It seems like a good idea to me but would love some constructive criticism.<br> Id be offering a package service of scanning negatives (all types/all formats undecided..) plus creating "contact sheets" made digitally. The contact sheets would be "oversized" as in, for ex 35mm film would be 9 frames per A4 so each frame is enlarged to about 2" x 3.1". The result would be 4 sheets of standard 8x11 paper with hole punch to be neatly filed away along with negatives. The idea is an alternative to "oversized contacts" that some of the old labs offer. Those are a burden to file away since they're large sheets that won't fit into a notebook.<br> The cost would be less as they charge about 40$ and Id ask 25$ for the package of one roll - 4 sheets of contacts + each film frame scanned at about med resolution - sized for 10x15 prints. Maybe Id offer a credit of a choice of 5 high res once contacts have been viewed (via email while negs were still with me).<br> I know this is vague but I don't want to make this too long. Id just like to throw the idea out there. Would this be a service that any of you would be interested in? This is not to scope out potential clients, just for feedback.<br> I guess the question really comes down to -At what point does something you could potentially do yourself become worth it to send out to be done?</p> <p>Thanks!</p>
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