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Posts posted by tanjyhhern5

  1. <p>I've got the bug that's apparently been going around all the Yashica T5s by the looks of my Google searches, but no conclusive solution has been provided by anyone to date.<br>

    A fellow photo.net member outlined the problem very nicely about 7 years ago: "whenever i press the shutter button, the lens extends to focus, i see and hear the shutter blades opening and closing quite fast, but the lens stays extended and doesn't return back to the original non-focused position.<br>

    it just sticks there. when i press the shutter button again, it goes back into place.<br>

    the flash doesn't fire, even on the forced flash mode.<br>

    the problem (lens focus, shutter opens quickly, stays stuck until i press the button again) occurs on every mode (auto, no-flash, forced flash, infinity), on redeye mode, only the preflash goes off but the lens still stays stuck."<br>

    After all these years, is there anyone who still has an answer?<br /><br /></p>

  2. <p>I completely forgot about this thread for about 3 years. Well, long story short, and due in no small part to the responses I received from the wonderful members here, about 2 months after I started the thread I procured a M3. It's perfect for the 50mm lens!<br /> <a data-flickr-embed="true" href=" DSC_0128-2 title="DSC_0128-2"><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5714/21380087244_46ee26ee09_c.jpg" width="800" height="530" alt="DSC_0128-2"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script<br>

    Edit: I went for the 50mm f2.8 Elmar instead, it's a wonderful lens in itself, and I don't think I'll be needing another 50mm in quite a while.</p>

  3. <p>Interestingly, I use the sunny 16 rule even on my DSLR, mostly because I usually cannot get the results I want from following the inbuilt meter. After a while, I got used to "knowing" what the exposure would be to the nearest stop. Owning a meterless, quite unforgiving Nikkormat probably helped...</p>
  4. <p>Hi all,<br>

    My D5100 got rained on pretty bad, and I removed the battery and SD card almost immediately when it started acting up and going in flash mode. Now, I have the problem of drying it off. Which would you recommend I use, rice or my dry cabinet? Thanks in advance.</p>

    <p>Jyh Hern</p>

  5. <p>I use two cameras with two primes, usually the 28mm and the 50mm, and use them interchangeably for convenience. For <strong>me</strong> those two lenses are all that I will probably ever need for walkabouts. Not that it applies to everybody. especially those without two cameras, but it works for me and if I ever need a bit wider or closer I <em>moooveee...</em></p>
  6. <p>"I wonder if we are drawn to the cameras we saw as children?" The cameras I see now(still 14) are fully digital, with plastic EVERYWHERE. Never really appealed to me, even after I bought my first DSLR, thought it a bit too light, too fiddly. I soon got myself a camera which is definitely older than me, an F2 Photomic. Really, it is wonderful to shoot, solid, metal, heavy, everything I have been looking for in a camera. So that does not apply to me :)</p>
  7. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I have a little dilemma about which body to buy. As I will be using almost exclusively a 50mm Summicron, the wide angle frames on the M2 do no make any sense to me. However, neither does the longer framelines on the M3. Also, from what I've heard, the M2 is an inferior camera to the M2. To what extent is this true? Thanks in advance for your help.<br>


    Jyh Hern</p>


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