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Posts posted by brian304

  1. Well I just bought a Mamiya 7 and 65mm lens for about the price of that 70-200. It is light, focuses easy and the meter appears to be very accurate. I shot Ektachrome 100, 400 and Provia and the sharpness and saturation were tremendous. I had a Pentax 6x7 but this is a much easier camera IMO. The P6x7 was big and heavy but I did like the 300mm f4 pentax ed. ;-]



  2. Hey Brian,

    That is funny you mentioned the higher percentage of RF in focus shots. I used a Canon 7E with an 85mm f1.8 and 50m f1.4 and had quite a few OOF shots. I think the shutter lag has something to do with it. Plus when I shot manual focus I would focus on something at the same distance as where I thought my kid would be, then hit the shutter. Maybe with these AF slrs, they can't change fast enough? dunno but your shots are pretty good proof it can be done.

    William, I agree that both the 75 and 90 and a bit tough to focus but at least you get the extra stop. I don't think the 15 mm is that big. I am going to try both this week.


  3. First I must say thank you to all of you, old timers too. ;-] I must go to a shop and play some more. I did test the .72 for about 5 minutes at a Wolf Camera but I knew much more than the guy behind the counter, shows how little he knew. ;-]

    The 28mm f2 would be great for low light also. I noticed not many chimed in on the 75mm 1.4. Is that lens that hard to hold, use and focus? I saw 2 of them sell for about $1000 at the 3bay. just wondered,

    thanks again


  4. Hello,


    I have read a lot of great information on the various sites about the

    Leica system. I am thinking about getting a low light, candid type

    set up. I have a DSLR that can cover the wide stuff but it is low

    resolution due to the crop factor. I have an Mamiya 7 and 65mm lens

    for medium format and a digital point and shoot. So I would like a

    system that can cover the wider end for city and landscapes and then a

    portrait lens for the kid stuff. I tried a Canon 35mm fillm camera

    with my l glass but the thing was so big and noisy I couldn't make use

    of it how I would have liked t.


    My thoughts are to get a 28 or 35 mm for an m7 and a 75 f1.4 or 90mm

    on the long end. I have read that a good compromise is the .72 finder

    with mag attachment, this will allow the 28 frame lines? Since the 75

    and 90 require more exacting focus, should I get the .85? If so, I

    take it you can use the 28mm lens but it won't show you the framing?

    The 75mm would be used for kids shots. I read a lot about the 90

    versus the 75mm and came away kind of undecided about it versus the



    Is there a 28mm with the reputation of the 35 f1.4 ASPH?

    thanks very much.

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