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Image Comments posted by j._scott_schrader


    This is certainly one of the better pet photos I've seen on this site. Usually they are extremely unappealing to me...this one is different...the owner and the pet are connected! The background is very neutral the light is natural, the crop and the composition is befitting of the subject. The only thing about it that really doesn't work for me is the expression on the little girls face...it is saying nothing...in a moment like that I would expect if not laughter then at least a smile, or maybe suprise...something other than the "dead-pan" expression she has in this image. For me her lack of expression takes this shot from being a wonderfully spontaneous moment ...to a set up (staged shot) in which the shot was tried over and over and over again. (The little girl just looks bored.) All in all I'd have to say that this is a well executed photograph that was nicely composed and set up...it only lacks in the girls expression.

    B&W View

    I really like the composition, and the sky is quite nice, The one suggestion that I have is the cloud that is just left of center on the top of the photo, (the closest cloud to the camera in this shot) should be dodged fairly significantly so that tonally it will match the rest of the clouds in the sky. It is much too grey as it currently stands. Other than that, I find this image very appealing.

    Sugamo Boy

    This is outstanding in every way. I respectfully disagree with the cropping suggestion. I think you need the sky and the light to give us this extraordinary sense of place. In my opinion without the sky and the light you completely lose the sense of place. It would still be a pretty nice portrait of the kid with the suggested crop, but as it is,... it has an impact based on a feeling or some kind of emotional response to this kid IN THIS PLACE. It is excellent in every respect...I can not make a suggestion that I think would improve this image. Beautifully composed and executed! The print (if it was a scan from a print) is also beautifully executed.


    This is quite nicely executed! An image of this sort needs a strong foreground which you were able to include, and the warm colors (wheat) played off of the cooler colors (sky) is always effective. The horizon line is also up in the top third of the shot which I think was a nice choice for this image. Overall, I'd say that this is quite a nice shot that is executed very well. Good Job!
  1. Very nicely executed. The contrast of textures is quite nice. I like the monochromatic feel of this one. I have seen it many times with highly saturated colors from sunset, but this one works much better in my opinion. It's an interesting place, and to answer the previous posters question...no ...nobody has ever seen them moving but of course there are several theories as to how this natural phenomena occurs. Once again well composed and exposed. (for what it is worth...I respectfully disagree with the poster who suggested cropping to square I think it is more effective as it currently is.)
  2. Wow, ...your whole B&W folder is really nice, but this one really jumped out at me. The composition is excellent. The tonal range is quite nice. On closer inspection there are two things that distract my attention in this image. One is the bright area dead center along the top...the opening between the trees. My eye involuntarily continues to go back to that area. I'm not sure if you already tried burning those highlights down a little or not...if not I think I would recommend trying that. The other thing which I don't care for (and I do realize that it is purely a personal preference ) I wish the fern leaves in the foreground were razor sharp like the rest of the composition. I find myself not caring for the motion blur that resulted from their movement during the exposure. Obviously much easier for me to say than to actually be standing behind the camera trying to time the shot between breezes. Overall though, this is a stunning image which you should be proud to have in your portfolio.

    Smiling Lake

    This is quite nice. The subtlety of the colors and those colors being reflected in the water is really appealing to me. The structure is well placed within the composition. The only thing I don't care for in this image is the fence at the bottom. I think I would have either tried to eliminate it ... or include more of it. As is, it looks like something that may have creeped into the frame unintentionally...it looks like a mistake . I really like the color of it, and actually it helps the structure on the left third of the image become more of a focal point because they share the same color pallet. Overall, I'd say it is quite a pleasing composition.

    The door

    Beautiful! The contrast, textures and tones all work quite well together to create a memorable image. The lines, forms and shapes are arranged expertly in this composition. Very Nice.


    Marc,Thanks for your comments and you questions. The assignment was to pull abstactions and graphic elements out of musical instruments for use in symphony publications. This particular shot was submitted to them with three different backgrounds. (Black, graduated grey, and the blue that you see here.) They ended up using this blue background several times and the black background once. Incidentally, this image was used in both the vertical position and the horizontal position. They liked the splash of color that this version introduced into their ordinarily "black tie" type of publications. They did specify that they needed significant areas of negative space to add copy (showed me a few rough thumbnails approximating how much space was needed)...they however did not specify that this particular image had to have that much negative space. That was my decision. ...and,... this image had more negative space than any of the others that were submitted as part of this assignment. (As an aside...because of the vast negative space in this image it was used much more than any other image in their publications during that season.... Designers love to have room for copy and graphics )

    Yes, there were parameters that I was expected to work within. This assignment however gave me much freedom to photograph the instruments that I thought would produce strong graphic abstractions, in a manner that would be suitable for representing the symphony.

    To answer John Crowe's question - no Photoshop has been used on this image. It is a straight scan from the original film.

    Thanks to all who have added to this discussion.


    This is VERY well done. The composition is excellent...the tonal range is quite nice. This is an outstanding and memorable image. It is exquisite! I can't remember seeing an infared photo that I liked as much as I like this one.


    The composition is nice, the diffusion works well with the image, and the lighting is well done...the long highlight down the length of the flute gives the flute its shape. Nicely done!
  3. A lot of people and only one face which doesn't say much. More faces would have made this shot more interesting. Also, they are sitting together as a group, but there is absoplutely nothing that says that they are together. There is no interaction between any of them. It really doesn't work for me on any level. (as has already been mentioned...the light is nice, and the sepia toning is pleasing to my eye as well.)
  4. Being a wildlife photographer myself, (I make my living photographing wildlife) I must say that this is an amazing image. I have been wanting to photograph Japanese Cranes in the snow for several years now. (I continue to look forward to the day when I will have that opportunity.) This image is very close to what I picture in my mind when I think of Japanese Cranes. The beauty, gracefullness, symetry and muted pallete all combine to create an exceptional and very memorable image. Very nicely executed! Thanks for sharing this image with us. I don't have a constructive comment for anything that could have been done to improve this image. It is gorgeous!


    I would suggest using a thinish slice of the fruits and putting your light source under the set. This will give you that morning fresh kind of feel to it. The fruit is translucent, so you should be able to use that to your advantage. A distinct point of focus as already mentioned would help this image as well.

    What Did You Say?

    Your composition is quite nice as the deer appears in a "window" in the greeenery. The deer would have popped out even more if you had even less depth of field behind it. You did a good job on this.


    I too need a larger size to make any constructive comments on it. My initial impression is that I think I might really like this image...let me know if you upload a larger version.
  5. The misty/hazy atmosphere helps to add a little mood to this image. Unfortunately the sky is pretty uninteresting and does nothing to help the image. I would suggest getting the people out of the center of the image and put them either in the left third walking into the scene, or in the right third walking out of the scene. I like the fog shrouded hill in the background on the right side...I would have liked to see more of it. I think if you had included more of it by panning to the right a little more you would have created another layer which would have given the image more depth. (more of a three dimensional feel).


    There is a softness to this image that complements the subject quite nicely. I think the softness that I am seeing is due to a very subdued and understated range of contrast. Whatever the reason ...it works very well. The thing that bothers me and is a distraction is the bright area along the top right edge of the image. My eye is continually drawn back to that part of the photo and away from the subject. Overall though I think it is well composed and executed.
  6. As a stand alone image it is powerful. As an image in context with the title and your commentary it is even moreso. I too would like to see it without the odd tint ...I'm not at all sure that it would work as well but I'd be curious to see. Good job on this one.
  7. Very nice color pallette. I'm suprised that the composition works for me. I'd normally gravitate towards an asymentrical composition rather than a symetrical one. ...but, this really works for me. A very well composed and executed image.
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