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Image Comments posted by stijn_saelens

  1. Hi, I don't wanna sound like the bad man around here, but, if anybody would arrived at this sene, Who would not have taken this picture?

    it is indeed not to easy to take the right color's with only sky and snow.

    .... nice place



    hi, this is very nice work, if I look at the original pricture, I would have said, Bach.. bad color and very fleu. but with this manupulation you make a kind of painting, very nice don.

    I like it


    Mamiya 7


    could you tell me which filters you used, 3x yellow? and aswel in many pictures you have the centure of the picture a bit darker, is this dark room work? or a filter? or something else?




    I realy like it, you could make a little story about it.

    maybe, if you had a zoom, you could get more on to her face and the girls in front of her, and get rid of the back of the face and the interence of the churche.


  2. It seems like you have a nice spot to take some photo's but in this pic. you have the feeling that I wanne see more, the girl at the left for example, I can hardly see what it is.

    if you could have taken a shot in front of it, you my have given a better and clearer picture, unless you might have a bad back ground, but even then, you could take a very deep perspective, this might give the temple even a bigger inpression.

    Sleeping Bear 1


    great color's, but a bity about the didgital manipulation, if you would have reflected the top so that it is symetrical to the horizon, in stead of rotating it. And add a litle bit of blurring you could make everybody believe this was a real shot.

    Correction ;o))

    I dit not see the double exposure before.

    nice shot.

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