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Image Comments posted by leo_pereira

  1. My apologies, it looks like a beautiful place, however the tilt doesn't do it for me... probably because it's a landscape. I would re-shoot the place from a different angle as well, the top corner doesn't do anything for your composition. Even thought it's well captured, it needs a bit more contrast, the passage looks dull. It has, however, lots of potential. Cheers!



    I think you have captured a magnificent sunrise Eric, for me however, the crop is not workingthe forefront rock and the sun are really near the center... I would re-crop. Other than that, excellent! Cheers!

  2. I like the skies and the colour of the water. I would shift the image to the right so that emptiness is not showing on the left. I also like bold, contrasty skies, but it's just me. Looks very nice.



    No polarizer, I tend to like bold skies and that happened when I fixed the over exposure on the left side of the waterfall. I do tend to look at things from a different angle, I appreciate your kind words and I am glad you liked it.

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