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Image Comments posted by jordanek

    Stars Like Dust

    Hi Walter. I'm glad that you like the image. This is actually a bunch of images. I probably took about 7 images to get the foreground sharp. I did this right around true sunset. I then took another image a little later to get good detail in the mountain and valley at twilight. After this I had to wait 1-2 hours for the milky way to align over the mountain. After taking the shot for the sky I tilted up 1 or 2 times to get more of the milky way. That is why the image has a weird aspect ratio. Hopefully that makes sense. Best regards-

    Mono Fire


    I was just browsing your images and noticed that this beauty didn't have any comments, so I thought I'd add one. Like all of your images, this is a gem. Your composition is very pleasing and the light is spectacular. 



    Excellent composition. I especially like the painterly quality and the slightly out of focus look of the background. An exceptional Venice gallery overall.

    Tales Of Old


    This is an image that I took back in 2010 with my trusty rebel xsi. The quality isn't as good as what I use now, but to me this is one of my favorite images. I found Salzburg to be a truly magical city and for me this image captures everything that makes it so special- a beautiful old-town, a medieval castle and the alps as a backdrop- what else can you ask for.



    This is a 2 image blend. 1 exposure for the sky, 1 exposure for the foreground. Then I manually blended the images with about 50% opacity around the buildings to make it look more natural. I hope this helps.

    Hamnøy (3)


    great looking shot. i really like the composition and the placement of the mtn in the upper left of the frame. I also like how the colorful houses add a zest of color to the overcast scene. I would have liked to see a longer exposure to flatten out the ocean and to help give the image a really dreamy effect (that's just the style i go for though).

  1. Hi Stephen. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I agree with your comment and to answer your question there are some better comps upstream that show a bit more of the mountain. The problem on this day was that most of the snow had been trampled over the weekend so I was left with a limited number of options. 

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