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Image Comments posted by sam_clay

    blue jean baby


    love it...the texture is great, colours great, I am totally drawn in......eek but the toes...... !! (I know its so annoying when its almost perfection)..great job though xxx



    hi Alison,

    A nice shot. However, watch out for the horizon !!! wonky horizons just dont work.....whenI started 6 months ago, someone pointed out a wonky horizon on mine and now I am really careful to frame carefully. Also, have you post processed ?? if so, perhaps a little too much saturation. I hope that helps xxxx...and best of luck moving forward xxx nicola :))



    I like this shot, I took it after only 5 months experience and obviously I

    have post processed to exaggerate the surreal effect. I was wonedring yr

    thoughts ? xx



    fair enuff !! x I love the picture because you can see my camer reflection in its eye.....it was fine and happy and it lived thanks to the rescue op !



    this is amazing....truely an inspiration, I am gunna keep my eye on you, becuase as new comer to photography and this form or art, I feel I can learn a thing or two from you....amazing work x



    JERRY !! WOW, thats so kind of you thank you so much :)) 

    this image was shot in JPEG and i have since learnt to shoot in RAW, and its one of my few I havent mucked with. i am learning everyday, and with people like you (and all the other kind comments), I am encouraged even more to take this subject further.


    thankyou xx



    thanks richard....I guess some people love what I do, and others prefer the more purist approach, either way I guess art is subjective and should be open for discussion. I really should stop feeling guilty about using photoshop....i THINK FOR THIS particular look and theme it works...many thx



    Just to clarify.....this bird was stuck in my house and we rescued it. It would have died had we not saved its life and let it free. i took the quick oppoertunity to capture this macro. it went free and happily flew off.....it would have died had I not rescued it.

    Please take due consideration before commenting.





    ok, so I know this isnt great, but I can't seem to manage elements....I

    loaded three images into elements and took it to photo merge - panoramic

    then clicked "ok".....it struggled to merge so i tried manually buy taking

    second pic control A, CNT C, CNT W, then back to pic one for control V

    which is supposed to paste it. i use a macbook pro....its new so I dont

    know alot about it....but it didnt recognise these commands ....bit

    confused. Ended up merging them in photomatix for this result. thank you

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