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Image Comments posted by anne_kerr



    Really love this photo. Very simple, yet alluring. I like that the background is dark and the "flower" it brighter, yet you can still see the stem extended on the right. Focus is perfect. One of my favorites now. :)


  1. What a peculiar little animal. I wasn't aware of it's existence until you posted it! It's a great pose, and I suspect that if you took it with a 300mm that it was far away and hard to take. Just wish the little leaf wasn't in the way of his head. Thanks for posting it! 


    Really nice capture of a foggy morning. Where is this? Where I live, very rarely it is foggy, and when it is, its too dark to get something as nice as this. Love the sky, and the grass at the front. Theres no faults I can find. :)
  2. Beautiful photo. It reminds me of a photo I took once, but it didnt have an aurora. I think I would've liked it more if the top ring of the aurora was further down. Theres things you cant control, but perhaps you could've shot the house so it was on the right side instead of the left and you would've gotten more of the aurora.


    I like the brightness of the house's lights and the light on the rocks is beautiful.


    Although its simplistic, My eye was drawn to the tree and the sky. Looking at it, I was trying to figure why it caught my attention, and I think it mightve been the shadows cast by the clouds. It makes the photo, to me, interesting.

    Dead wasp


    I just wrote something on your "Weevel" bug photo. I'm weirded out by these bugs. So scary-looking. In the future, please use your skill to take photos of something more pleasant! lol  


    I do like how you propped him up though. I've been trying to look for bugs all day this Easter to try to copy you. No luck! Maybe tomorrow... :)

    White Weevil


    I love this photo, Siegfried. I agree with you on why macro photography is interesting -- you get to see and appreciate these little creatures that you normally don't notice and would otherwise deem alien-like. To think, these are everywhere. And I never really sat and looked at them. I'm really surprised at how these lenses pick up on so much detail. They have little silia-like hairs on their bodies, and weird eyes; what's up with their feet? Anyway, great photo. Thanks! 



    I can't really find anything else to say that doesn't involve telling you it's beautiful. Can't find any faults. Even the clothes on the two people go nicely with the rest of the image. Sky is awesome. 

  3. The sky and the graveyard in the front make it all look creepy. The colors contribute to the feeling. Only negative thing I can say is it might've been better if the tree on the left wasn't in the way of the building. Otherwise great! Love the sky.

    Sky & Clouds


    I'm new and I haven't had the chance to shoot at night because I live in the city. I often wondered what it'd look like if I shot the sky with clouds in the way. This inspired me to try it out! I also like that it's in black and white. Beautiful.

  4. I like this one more than I liked the first one. I agreed that the fuzzy-ness on the sides should be more subtle. Usually I think flower photos are boring but I like this one a lot. I might go find myself one of these (I think a neighbor has them) and try to copy you. 

    inevitable day


    Looks more like a painting but I'm not sure why. Perhaps because it looks sort of "softened?" May I ask how you made it look this way? To get the background dark like that, did you use Photoshop or did you only use your camera? I'm trying to figure how the face is bright but the rest isn't. 

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