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Posts posted by c_watson1

  1. Some sense of what you have would help. Value now often isn't chained to purchase price. Indeed, some pedestrian stuff is now coveted. There are "cult" cameras whose devotees happen to love. Right now, those are your buyers unless you opt for places like KEH who will request a listing of what you have before anything happens ,sale-wise.




  2. There are islands of desire for film gear. Lived in and now near to Toronto where film photography is well-rooted and supported by an ecosystem of labs and stores. That's where demand survives. Elsewhere? Not so much. I grabbed stuff like mad in the early 2000s when the "big auction site" was awash in film gear.  NOS/mint stuff was cheap and plentiful. I bought lots. But then the repair guys retired, died, or moved 10+ years ago. Friends are now scarfing up stuff I rejected years ago. It breaks and no one can fix it. Again, it's sane to see film cameras as mostly disposable now. Safe to say buy the newest/best condition film bodies you can afford. Enjoy 'em while you can.

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  3. Repair resources have declined steadily for some time for all film gear. Need service? Get it now. Prices seem up with much of the better grade stuff offered by Japanese sellers. If your gear is in especially nice shape, you might consider selling. Film prices and fewer lab services are both downdrafts. It's a resdual market now for all film gear and film materials.

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  4. Hmmm...an 11 yr-old camera whose AF lacked face detection. The X-100T and subsequent models did. Read the reviews. See the difference. No clue about the kvetching re: hi-ISO shots, newer models seem trouble-free. Wedding shooters like Kevin Mullins do beautiful work with these cameras. Like Nikon? Stay there. You'd probably have a slim chance of finding an X-100V or VI anyway.

  5. Amen. We've had our differences--especially about those lovely Mamiya 645s--but we both lament the decline in relevant posts and the revival of stone cold dead posts. Monthly check-in here for me. Wonder why bother often.

  6. How many cameras did Nikon and Canon actually sell in 2023? Wonder how many of those 5000 Leicas will actually get sold? Celeb neck candy/lifestyle prop? Only the influencers know for sure...

    Odds don't seem encouraging that Pentax with revive anything beyond a film p&s, if that.


  7. These articles clog the aspirational online tech echo chambers. Pity the goofs who start losing sleep about not owning just-shipped merch. A difficult lesson amounts to realizing the images produced by "trailing edge" gear are often indistinguishable from those captured by stuff shilled this week by yapping online influencers.

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  8. In late 2023, I'd not spend a pantload of cash on any film camera I couldn't reliably get repaired. Newer is usually better but doorstop duty can still be in the cards. A clean FE/FM variant might be the best you can do. They're tough, reliable cameras. Probably cheaper to replace rather than repair if they conk out. An FM3a is not worth the premium relative to its ancestors. Still a mystery why Nikon pushed them into the market so late.

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