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Image Comments posted by warren_baird

    More Fishnets

    I'd have to agree with Marc - I really like the pose, and the outfit, but I'm not sure about the digital effects. The halo is interesting, but I'm not sure that the graininess really contributes... I'd be interested in seeing the original image...

    Smirnoff red


    I like it. The pose is good, and the cropping is good. As a photo, I'd say it works very well as is... As a fashion photo you might want a bit more light on her back - I have my monitor reasonably well calibrated for brightness, and I can't see much detail on her back.


    I like the shadows from the light on the right, but maybe a smaller light on the left, or a touch of flash bounced off the ceiling might help.

  1. I like the idea a lot... But it seems to me that this kind of shot wants either an infinite DOF (all of the pawns in perfect focus), or a very narrow DOF (only the white pawn in perfect focus)...


    I don't think I like how the pieces nearest us are a little blurry. I also think it would work better with a more neutral background - plain gray or white would be better...


    But I don't want to sound too negative - even as it is it's a very interesting shot!



    Hmm. I think that having the focus on the knot would make it into a completely different image... I'm not sure it would necessarily be a better image, but it could be as good...


    But I agree that arranging this kind of photo for the people who don't like this kind of photo is a bit self-defeating. :-)



    The model is very beautiful, and you've captured a great expression, and I really love the lines of the hair across her face.


    My only complaint is that the background is too crisp. It distracts me from the model a bit too much. I don't know how you feel about digital modification, but I think this is an image that might benefit from some artificially enhanced DOF.


    I hope you don't mind, but I took a quick shot at it in the Gimp - you would want to do a much more careful job of selecting the foreground, but I think this gives the idea...



    Perhaps a tiny-bit underexposed, but I like the pose, the composition, and the contrast between the background and the dress. What were you using as a background?


    this is really nice - I like the effect... I think it'd be interesting to see something like this with a noticable shift of expression from the start to the end. smiling->frowning or happy->angry or something like that...



    I like her expression in this one. Her skin tones are good - but you could make them even a bit whiter without losing detail - if you wanted to go for the ultra-pale gothic look.


    About the only suggestions I might have would be a bit more light on her hair, so it stands out a little better from the background. I might also lose the corner of her right arm that is visible.


    Hmm. You could also easily paint out the bits of her jacket that are visible, and end up with a relatively dissembodied head and cleavage. Could be nice.


    Good work!



    I quite like this one - although I agree with the comments that it'd be nice to get more of the smoke visible.


    Her expression is great, but I seem to get the impression that she was just holding the filter as a prop, and not actually smoking with it. It might work a little better if she looked like she was actually smoking it.


    Very nice cleavage, I must say...

    BW Tree 2


    I've only recently started experimenting with black and white

    photography. I'd really appreciate any comments on how I can improve

    this photo.



  2. These guys were on a float during the Montreal Pride Parade last summer. I'm not sure what group they were with, or what they represented, but I did like their outfits.


    Thanks for the comments.

    Bondage 6

    melting the ends of the ropes is fairly functional, but not very aesthetic, since you tend to get dark, discoloration at the end of the ropes. Using thread to 'whip' the ends of the rope is trickier, but looks much nicer... The Wiseman book I mention above describes about six different ways to fix the end of your ropes.
  3. I assume these were only temporary? I shudder to think about trying to put a shirt on over top of those.


    Nice photo, though... Might have been interesting to get a picture of him with the antiseptic washed - I assume that's what the discolouration is...

    Bondage 3

    Very nice. I also quite like this one. The purist in me wishes you had done something to the ends of the rope so they weren't fraying a bit, but now I'm clearly nitpicking...

    Bondage 6

    Great picture, but the wedgie makes me wince... If you have a rope around her waist, you can run the tails up over her butt checks and and run them over the loop around her waist... Much more comfortable , and I think it looks better too.

    I've just started taking some bondage photos as well, and there's a couple of pictures in this folder . They aren't nearly as good as your photos, but it gives you the idea.

    If you haven't seen it, Jay Wiseman's "Erotic Bondage Handbook" book is really good, and has a lot of interesting information. Not a lot of full body harnasses, but some other interesting things.



    Hi all,


    Thanks for the comments... I did think about cropping this guy to bring the horizon to the 1/3 line... But I decided that I really liked the sky the way it was.


    Thanks again.

  4. I really like the contrast between the hair and the blue body suit. However, I find the tan ropes detract a little bit...

    White nylon rope takes fabric dye very well, and I think this shot would look really amazing if a brightly coloured rope had been used.

    I think I've seen you say that you tend not to orchestrate the scenes you take pictures of, but I'm sure if you showed up with a few 50 foot lengths of brightly coloured rope, you'd find someone willing to use it... :-)

    I have a couple of photos of a friend wearing a red rope harness in this folder

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