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Image Comments posted by jmcruz



    Hello Amitai

    Good composition and light. Full of life and detail. I like when a photo grabs us, and we spend time looking inside the scene.

    Hope this photo reach a good place on the monochrome contest.


  1. Dear Mau

    As we say "It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick", and looking to your photos, the young lady legs are a "better" scenario.

    I like both, and as a photo, maybe I prefer the second one (the provocation). Is more strong.



  2. Hello Saad

    I know that luck is necessary in photography, but I also know that luck only goes to those who deserve it, and you captured a great moment.

    The timing and the light of this shot are fantastic, just outstanding.

    The option to use a high ISO works very well, instead of a blured motion image.

    Very well framed and croped.






    Hello Svetlana

    I love this shot

    Is the kind of shot that I like to do. Simple but full of interest.

    Technically is very goog. The light, the deph of field (I like the defocused right side), the contrast is not very harsh.

    I can spend time looking on this (full of detail), which is  very important for a photo.


    Rua do Carmo


    Hello David

    I'm glad this photo has the power to grab you. In fact Lisbon is a beautiful place to wander and take a lot o shots. Sometimes I just go wander and places I have already photographed before lot of times look different, because of the detail, the light, the people etc.

    It is easy to find places like this.



  3. Hello Mau

    This is a very warm photo....

    I am divided between the color one and the B&W one.

    I think the colored has a very good color combination, and the model  matches very well with the colors. By other side I prefer the skin softness of the B&W.

    Both very good Mau, keep shooting please.


    José Manuel



    The light is really well mastered Mau!

    And the expression of her face!..... Very very good.

    About the hand? Yes it is true, but who cares about the hand.



    Red pearls


    Hello Mau

    I am a confessed admirer of your work, especially the Nudes.

    You work this subject in a superlative way.

    This recent photo is no exception to what I just said.

    Beauty, harmony, light control (you are very good in this particular) and composition characterize this photo (6).

    Nude color photos are more dificult than B&W ones.

    Continue to present us with your work.





    These eyes have a great expression. The "color" of the skin it is EXCELENT, contrbuting for an outstanding contrast.

    The compositiom and lignt are very  good.

    Thanks for the photo.



    Dear Maurizio

    Great shot. Very good angle, composition and light. Definitely B&W.

    The sky brings up the set. very good.

    Allow me a suggestion.

    Try in Photoshop to put the tower more vertical, using a corrective distortion tool and keep the proportionality of the remaining elements.


    My Dream


    Caro Hugo

    Foto muito boa, tanto ao nível da composição como da exposição.

    Se não me engano trata-se do navio encalhado na zona de Aveiro. 

    O arrasto do céu e a lisura da água proporcionado pela prolongada exposição, resulta numa forte sensação de intemporalidade por um lado, contrastando fortemente com a dinâmica do céu. A luz está bem trabalhada e na quantidade certa.

    Parabéns, continue a divulgar fotos. 

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