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Image Comments posted by lew_carver

    In - Out


    I cannot say why, unfortunately, but I find it visually compelling and its content tantalizingly ambiguous. For me it both invites and rewards a wandering contemplation.



    The text makes this a conceptual piece as well as visual. Clearly the intent is art as propaganda and its message is clear, if a trifle adolescent (but here that may not be a liability). Personally I do not care for this image but it works well in terms of its apparent intent and I would rate it a fairly high rating..


    As it is a conceptual work it seems reasonable to comment on that content. It is difficult for most to separate the person from their work. If one loves a person's work it is hard not to transfer that feeling to the person regardless of their transgressions. For example Wagner was nasty little anti-Semitic pamphleteer . But his evil is (mostly) forgotten and irrelevant to the appreciation of his music (not that I consider Bowie much more than a commercially driven craft's person). In any case as a species we are a mixed lot.



    Beautiful composition, and the feeling of the tension between its industrial subject and the elegance of its expression makes it an aesthetically compelling experience for me.

  1. Yes a very good capture.  But, my eye would be happier, find the image more dynamic, if the image crop on the left had begun just past where the subjects right sleeve begins at the image lower left. This slight decoupage would “match” or find pattern with the decoupage applied to the person behind and image right of the subject, justifying it by the sense that moving in close is important.  That may move focus away from the contextual details of the story. But I think the essence of that story would be enhanced. 




  2. I very much like this shot, but vacillate a bit as to whether the immediate foreground, literally the ground, adds more than it detracts.  With it the composition feels more dynamic, without it more static, but that increases the sense of serenity, at least to my eye.

    Easter dog


    I got a laugh, and every thing about the photograph seems spot on to me.  Very nice work. But really, you are a monster. Little dog, go bite the photographer in the crotch and regain your dignity!


  3. For me the projection of a projection property of the photo seems to teeter between the meta level and the surreal in an engaging way.  But I have somewhat mixed feelings about the tonal relationship between the dog and its background.

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