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  1. <p>I have been getting a lot of requests for family sessions although I do not market them or even desire to do them however the money is there when I want so I take them on. I focus on weddings and am pretty busy in that genre. As an attempt to free my time up for my own family I want to ditch the family sessions altogether. <br> However...a thought came to mind. There are always an abundance of photographers with no work. If I effectively market my family sessions and simply (dangerous word I know) hire a photographer as sort of a dispatch to complete the session all under my business name, what negative implications could come out? I am thinking of hiring 4 photographers, train them, equip them, and market sessions giving clients the option of who they want to photograph them. Assuming the photographers hold their end of the bargain, I would pay them a portion of the income and I would retain the other portion to invest in the business.<br> (i.e, my business charges the client $500 for the session. I pay the photographer $300 and the business gets paid the remaining $200. Photographer shoots, edits distributes photographs to me and I distribute to client. Business handles marketing and dispatching of photographers, client interaction, business issues, etc...)<br> What could go wrong? Not being sarcastic, actually looking for experienced professionals advice on what to look out for.</p>
  2. <p>Wow, thank you all for the responses. So was checked the lever and it moves freely but does not 'catch' the aperture blades. The aperture appears to be closed as much as it can be, f16. After 'some time' which varies from a few seconds to minutes, the blades retract and open. It will last for a few shots, sometimes as soon as I focus it snaps closed and stuck again. <br> At this point it has to be the lens. I have two d750's and it does the same issue on both bodies. I requested a replacement since I just received the lens on Tuesday. Replacement is in the mail.<br> Thank you all again. Weird situation. I searched on google, pnet, and other sites and have not come across anything that stated a similar issue.</p>
  3. <p>Ok first off I feel really silly for even asking this. I did as much searching on the internet as I could think of before posting but here it goes...<br> Bought a new 50 1.4g for my d750. First couple of shots it works just fine, amazing actually. Then something happens. The viewfinder went really dark. I checked the aperture and it was set to 2.0 (Manual Setting on Camera). Took a shot, exif posts at f16. No matter what I tell the lens to do from the camera it is stuck at f16. I will take the lens off of the body and in a few seconds it 'resets'. I put it back on and it is at the set aperture. Then again, locked at f16.<br> So Im frustrated. Assuming this is not user error any ideas what the issue could be?<br> Thank you!</p>
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