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Image Comments posted by leephoto



    very effective work

    nice rule of thirds

    good focus on subject..u have caught a great expression

    nice composition

    good use of light and mistybackground

    nice colours..soft




    very effective work

    the lines give balance and pattern

    the subject stance and pose sets off

    nice depth and i like the curve drop off

    tack sharp on subject

    nice contrast

    good use of lght

    nice framing


    queens slippers


    this is taken in queens catherine summer home in st petersburg russia,where

    i had a tour this sept

    the floors were so special and unique that they made us wear slippers so as

    not to damage the floor

    the enite tour took hours and this was only her summer home

    tired to get a tack sharp

    the queen


    well this is kind of fashion

    at leAST FOR QUEEN CATHERINE in her st peterburg russia summer home

    of many years ago

    had a tour there this summer and it took hours to get thru

    i treid to get the glamour in this as well as a tack sharp focus and some depth



    my wife ,looking toward white rock,bc fro blaine wa

    attempt to get good depth

    trying to get rule of thirds

    trying to get sharp focus throughout

    truing to get a balance witht he tree



    this is nice

    and it is unique

    made me think

    the silho is well done and percise

    nice rule of thirds

    excellent contrast

    the light rays gvie frame to your subject

    the light rays give nice pattern and dominance

    nice work


    Moscow Metro 1


    nice work

    i really like this

    excellent depth of range

    nice tack sharp throughout depth

    good framing with the train

    \effective blur on train

    good use of light

    the ceiling lights give nice perspective as well as depth

    curve at end with people draws the eye


    up in the air


    i like this

    for me it is a lesson in composition

    excellenet us of lines

    nice use of light

    shadows help form a pattern

    sharp focus

    nice contrast


    a simple subject but hard shot done well




    added this to my favorite and have many of yours

    very nice composition and unique but effective positioning

    indicates imagination

    wonderful silho on face

    like your use of subtle light  reflection on instrument as well and body

    tack sharp on subject

    a lesson in rule of thirds

    effective background with maybe smke or mist in top left

    i might i placed the copyright elesewhere as it interfere with the comfort of looking

    nice contrast

    good use of shadows

    thanks for teaching me

    Tales Untold


    now this is nice work

    great rule of thirds throughtout

    tack sharp...look at the precise stone work

    great depth in pic with sharpness to the bacground

    nice effective forground

    good composition

    excellent use of light and colour

    the cloud over the sone house gives a nice pattern and balance

    nice frame with tree

    a very pleasing piece of work


    Sunset colours.


    this is beautiful work

    and just after i caught a documentary on the sun and that it will burn out and so will we...but for now there a re beautiful things and this is one..thanks

    perfect rule of thirds on subjects

    high skill on getting siiho against background

    the tame water against the reddish sky is excellent contrast

    colours are complimentary and effective

    nice use of light

    good composition 

    nice balance


    Ride and Roll !


    being a bike lover i can appreciate what u have here

    nice choice of b/w

    i like your compostion

    and where u have positioned yourself

    effective use of the two white lines to give a frame and depth

    nice curve

    this is a tack sharp shot

    with tack sharp depth

    i like the balance

    as well as your contrast






    nice work

    i was just there

    effective frame

    tack sharp focus

    nice blend in colours

    good composition

    is the crane a little blur...

    good use of light nice balance with foreground and sky

    i like the light in some of the windows


    what a nice city

  1. thankyou

    excellent work

    i just want to be there

    nice use of shutter for the water

    great depth

    and tack sharp throughout

    nice framing with banks and trees

    great composition

    effective use of light 'forground green helps set this off

    nice contrast and colours

    thanks for teaching me



    beautiful work

    nice rule of 3rds on subjects

    trees make an excellent frame and hold your subjects

    nice reflections on damp street

    tack sharp on depth 

    effective use of lines

    nice balance

    good comp

    nice use of subtle light

    and soft colours




    excellent work

    a lesson for me on effective use of blur

    nice rule of thirds on subjects

    nice depth in this shot

    subtle use of light

    nice background frame

    god contrast

    nice imagination to bring this pic off

    effective lines on street


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