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Posts posted by rogerwb

  1. Since I needed (?) three of them, I took a chance on one of the $30.00 screens perenially offered on ebay. It arrived from Hong Kong in a week and works very well. Will order two more. They are also pretty easy to install unless you are not at all mechanically inclined.


    Roger WB

  2. There's no way you can be discreet with a Hasselblad and prism finder for street shooting. Same story for the big Mamiyas. For MF street work, a bargain TLR is great. (Rollei Automat, Yashica D or 124, Minolta Autocord, Ricoh Diacord) If one of these gets wet, bumped or dropped you won't have a heart attack. Roger WB<div>00MpuB-38964284.thumb.JPG.a7bc91c5100deba33f59b948710bcda2.JPG</div>
  3. Now that my love affair with my TLR's and 23 Graphic has been reawakened, I would like to participate is such a project. With winter coming on and an inconsistent work schedule, I doubt if I can do two rolls a week but I will try to do one and post regularly.

    Add me to the list.


    Roger WB

  4. "Horses for Courses."

    If you are torn between a Rollei and a Leica, you can buy both. The Leica will be the priciest, even with an "entry level" lens.

    As far as Rollei goes, unless you feel the need for the eye level prism, you don't really need an F series at collectible prices. If you do a lot of low light work, put extra bucks toward a 1.4 for the Leica and be happy with a 3.5E Rollei.


    Roger WB

  5. The IIIC is 1/8" longer than the previous models. Also, the IIIC has strap lugs. Zorkis and Feds do not.


    Unless this sort of thing appeals to you, I can't see paying a premium for questionable engraving. There are plenty of serviceable IIC's ou there at a healthy enough price.


    Leitz did not do any of the military engraving, it was all done aftermarket AFAIK.


    Roger Beverage

  6. Thanks for the response.


    I'm using the software which came with it, works fine for prints and color negs. I tried playing with the b/w threshold setting, it will give me a super high contrast poster look but no more. It seems as though I should get some result from the default settings but the scan looks like there was no negative at all in the holder, only solid black.


    Scanning the negs as color ones, then removing the color works ok but is just another step in the process I would like to avoid.

    Here's the result of this process. (the single photo)






    Roger WB

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