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Image Comments posted by paul_reynolds1


    Personally I think the background montage competes with the main subject for my attention. The portrait itself is excellent and stands up on its own.
  1. I had been waiting a while to get the right light for this, together

    with a cloudless sky (almost) to properly bring out the structure. I

    have been living within walking distance of this structure for almost

    a year, and am shortly moving away. Just got the right conditions in




  2. Taken over the xmas/new year holiday 2003/4. Would have been nice to

    have had a steam train thundering over the viaduct bellowing smoke,

    but you can't have everything I suppose......


    Comments appreciated.




    Thanks for all the comments, including Jason!! It probably doesn't come over quite as well on the screen, but believe me I have managed to get a decent A3 digital print out of this which has done reasonably well for me. That wouldn't lessen Jasons concerns about the composition I know, but it is what it is now! Thanks again.
  3. A much photographed scene - first time I think I have seen it in the square format. I have been back here a few times and tried all sorts of different angles - this is one of the first I took - http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=190020 - which has been on here for a while. The idea of a slow shutter speed is an interesting one and is worth trying. It's difficult to get a central view looking right up the staircase because of the column in the middle. I wanted to stand on the central panels that run up the centre (they start out on the flat before running up through 45 degrees) but for some reason (can't imagine why) London Underground wouldn't let me! Whatever the time of day I think there will always be areas in deep shadow, which in any case I don't think retracts from the picture. For anyone who likes Architectural photography, the area in and around Canary Wharf is a dream!!





    Thanks for your interest.


    If you mean photoshop filter (?), none. The filter on the camera lens was a polariser. This a reflection of one of the lovely coloured buildings which are typical of Burano. Just trying for something different.

    Winter Sun

    This picture wasn't posed. This lady was enjoying the winter sunshine in the shelter of the Rialto Bridge in Venice for a good 5 or 10 minutes in this position. She looked so relaxed and at peace, I couldn't resist taking her picture, which she was oblivious to. Couldn't do much about the background I'm afraid!
  4. Thanks for your comments - this was originally a colour slide, shot using a polarising filter to make the sky as blue as possible - Then converted to monochrome in Photoshop.Adjustments then made through levels/curves.
  5. Thanks to you both for your kind words. It certainly is a digital effort, as you suspected, Mary. The background is from Spain, the main subject was taken in Wolverhampton in the UK. The original of the background is actually in my portfolio.


    I applied some zoom blur to the background. The skateboarder was imported as a seperate layer in Photoshop. I altered the blending of the two layers via layer options (can't remember how exactly) then applied the "glow edges" filter to all of the image, plus some Guassian Blur. I removed the blur from in and around the edges of the skateboarder to get rid of the halo effect this caused around him, before flattening the whole picture and saturating the colours via Hue and Saturation and applying some unsharp mask. At least that was what I THINK I did. Hope it makes sense!

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