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  1. david_peters2


    Excellent composition. I really appreciate the darkness and the heavy grain. And the vagueness of gender is intriguing! But the strange form on the leg is a bit disturbing.
  2. david_peters2


    Well done! Truly representing the classic male form without glamorizing. I like how the facial and body hair are left easily evident. The background lighting worked really well, graduating from bright to total darkness, without a visible horizon.
  3. Someday I'd like to be able to achieve this level of expertise in lighting. Just amazing. The composition is great also, giving the impression of a new form of body standing up and facing off to the right and up. Igor, I always admire your work here.
  4. david_peters2


    This photo is composed well. I like the exploration of texture and grain. Perhaps it would be better with slightly deeper depth of field, extending into the hair, but leaving the back leg out of focus.
  5. david_peters2


    I do appreciate the composition in this image. It's not very common to include the foot and ankle with the rear. The eye is drawn up and over the back, then down across the foot, and then underneath, searching for "details", which could have been left further in shadow. This would also work well in black and white, which would bring emphasis to form and less to flesh.
  6. david_peters2


    Another great image. The pose suggests vulnerability. We witness muscle, joints, and bones all clustered together. Well done!
  7. david_peters2

    CC III

    This is a wonderful image - the body against the stone. Which is which? The effect would be even better if her head was turned away, rather than facing the camera. Then we're not tempted to see her as a sexual person, but see the body as sensual along with the rock.
  8. A wonderful image! I love this. We don't see nearly enough explorations of the male body here. The composition is perfect - the darkness, the use of negative space, his hands both suggest a struggle. This is the male body. Thanks for this one!
  9. david_peters2


    Really great composition. It draws the eye to look around. I like that it leads to curiosity about her face. Perhaps I would like it more if it were at a much lower exposure level, with shadows all around.
  10. The reflection in the glass is so intriguing, I'm curious as to what the result would be if you framed this to include only from the top of her hands down fully into her reflection.
  11. david_peters2

    smoke bath

    Wonderful image! I like the dynamic contrast, and I do like the high grain. It's disruptive and challenges the eye's attempt to compose the story. You really captured a good moment in time with the smoke - yes the face is evident. And her smile is soft, and real. This is a very "human" moment.
  12. david_peters2


    I'm amazed at how many times I viewed this image without realizing the profile of the face that is the dominant element in the design! It's an incredible image.
  13. david_peters2


    I'm so disappointed in the comments regarding this photo. It's actually wonderful! The juxtaposition of the skin and the fabric causes just a slight delay in recognizing the penis. The viewer is confronted by the soft folds of both. The soft focus and the slight grain give a dreamlike quality to it. It's really challenging, and then beautiful. Yes, everyone likes to look at nude women, blah blah blah. I've seen many gorgeous photos of women's labia, and all the men just love them. But let's look at the photographic value rather than the sexual stimulation. We don't have to be "turned on" by it in order for it to be good art. Bill, this is a great image. Congratulations.
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