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Posts posted by ashishgarg

  1. <p>Thanks a lot for all the responses. Well, I have an older Sigma 15-30 on APC-S sensor and really like the results from it at f/8 - f/11, mainly used for landscapes ... but have been seeing some excellent shots from Canon 16-35 f/2.8 II (better than the ones from my Sigma) and was wondering if it was really aperture or the lens quality itself ... can you guys recommend a great landscape lens that is sharp and does not necessarily break the bank ... I don't make money out of photography but am passionate about it ... budget is less than $1k. I may upgrade to a FF camera in near future so would like to keep that in mind when buying this lens.<br>

    Does a zoom really help in ultra wide range ... I would prefer a prime if it is cheaper than zoom (with same optical quality) and helps in reducing weight and is cheaper, but am open to a great zoom as well.</p>

  2. <p>I am a beginner and would like to understand it. From what I read, high aperture, helps in better bokeh and separating out the subject from the rest of the image, the shallow DOF helps here. Considering wide angle lenses are used for Lanscapes, where you would want most of the stuff in-focus generally, why would high aperture lens help? I can understand that low-light conditions are one reason, but you will anyways be more productive using a tripod, is there anything else I may be missing?</p>
  3. <p>I am not talking about which focal length, or whether on crop or FF camera, simple question is if I have a certain camera and know the focal length of lens I want, what are the parameters that you should look into before buying a lens. Price is one factor I know but how about aperture, sharpness and other considerations. Sometimes a particular focal length is soooo crowded with multiple brands, same brand with multiple lenses in that length, features, prices etc. that it can be really a challenging task to identify the winner for a beginner like me :(<br>

    Thanks for all your responses in advance </p>

  4. <p>Thank you all for useful response. So if I understand correctly, if I can afford it, it is better to buy a FF camera, because cropping the picture can actually give me same image quality as a crop sensor camera. Of course I am assuming it is comparable pixel size, quality etc.<br>

    Am I missing a point here though, I see a lot of arguments saying crop camera is better when you need more reach because of the 1.6 crop factor (a 300mm lens becomes a 480mm etc.). If I understand correctly, aren't you already getting the 480mm photo by cropping the photo that you got from FF camera with that 300mm lens? So where is the advantage of crop sensor camera for telephoto?</p>

  5. <p>Lets say the same Lens is used on FF vs. Crop cameras, the image circle will be the same from the lens. When this image falls on a FF sensor vs. FF sensor the amount of image that is captured will be full or 1.6x crop (Canon) less, so effectively same image is cropped (as if you were to do it in software). Lets say a FF image of 20 MP with cropping in software becomes 14 MP (just for example), does it mean a 14 MP crop camera will have same image as a FF camera with 20 MP with same lens, location. Are we saying that the angle of view from the lens remains the same, but just because the sensor is smaller in crop camera, it feels like the lens has a smaller FOV?</p>
  6. <p>Thanks a lot all for your responses!<br>

    This is very useful information, some of you are discouraging me to use an adapter at all, but I do want to experiment with FD lenses ... FWIW ... I already have a few good EF lenses with my Canon DSLR, but still feel that I can get some creative shots with some FD lenses ... I will update once I get an adapter and have some shots to show ..</p>

  7. <p>I am beginning to explore the FD lenses and need an FD lens to EOS camera adapter. I see the following kinds out there on ebay etc.:<br>

    1. Aluminium ones without glass element (small opening): My understanding is these won't allow infinity focus. I would like infinity focus so they are out of question.<br>

    2. Cheap glass elements allowing infinity focus (with smaller opening and glass element): my understanding is they will allow infinity focus but may not work for macro lenses.<br>

    3. Apparently there is a variation on #1 above that may work for macro lenses (larger opening), allowing for shorter focusing distances.<br>

    4. There is another type that has a glass element but allows that element to be removed if would like.<br>

    Could you guys please guide me or provide pointers to which one(s) should I be looking to buy. Currently, I may be looking to get a 200mm (macro), 400m and 50mm FD lenses.<br>


  8. <p>Thanks for all the responses so far, I did go to the field with the intention of taking pictures for learning, could not find parking and somehow the number of people and number teams with small kids to adults made me really nervous. All those moms would have looked at me like I am going to take their kid away of something, I was all alone so decided to not even try. It was a beautiful day and I really thought I could learn something about sports photography.<br>

    I was tempted to go and ask few parents or players to see if they are Ok with me taking some pictures, and tell them I am willing to provide them the soft copy for review and keeping if they wish. I didn't ask anybody though and am upset about it.<br>

    All I want to do is learn with good heart but people photography looks like the toughest job in the world! It is sad, I wish I can get some help :(</p>

  9. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I am a beginner and would like to understand the legality or ethical concerns surrounding this kind of photography. I have never done any sports photography and would like to start by going to nearby parks/ playgrounds that are publicly available and used for football, soccer, baseball etc. and capture some shots to learn. Do I need to get any permissions to do so and if yes from whom? Is just asking the players during their break good enough? I am talking about the playgrounds that are accessible right within the city/towns and right by the streets etc.<br>

    Thanks for your time!</p>

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