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Image Comments posted by glenn_smith1

    Patriotic Fence


    i have to say that the closest flag that is out of focus on a large monitor when looking at it close up, make me want to pull away from the image, rather than being an aid to pull you in.


    also, not being american, the image doesn't bring the patriotism that it does for you or fellow country members, so personally doesn't have a huge amount of apeal. But this is just knowing who your target audience is.


    Great idea for something different to do, although her hands for me are very distracting. I woudl have prefered either more or less. When I croped the hands out it looked better, although not so balanced. Maybe if he had not worn such a dark top they contrast would not habe been so much and thus less distracting to the eye.

    Self portrait #2

    for a self portrait you've come across very natural. I always seem to be worry about the composition or something technical I always look very odd in my pictures. Well done.
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