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Image Comments posted by greg_beams1




    This is an excellent image. Not only is the subject matter really intriguing but the composition is excellent and the tones you brought out in the image are very strong. I really appreciate a well developed black and white image and the interplay between the white of the man's scarf and the black of the shop quickly draws my eye directly to him. His expression mixes really well with the challenge of his circumstances - a great story in this image.

    Sadly the rating system is oftentimes more about who you know than how good your images are. Keep at it - your talent is worth the effort.

    Nauset Lighthouse



    Along with the others I really like this image. The tonal range is what grabbed me - the way the dark greys of the staircase progress from dark to lighter as it spirals towards the center of the image, followed by the walls where the shades mimic the staircase, albeit in lighter shades. The lines of the brick then add to the overall swirling feel with my eyes ending up in the center of the image. The overall effect is really well created.

  1. Rodney,

    This is a really great shot and I am not a bird guy. The tonal range you have brought out is really beautiful and the intensity of the head position, wing span, etc., all works really well. I like the fact the bird is not centered because for me it adds to the sense of foreboding in this image. Good stuff.

    travers saddle


    Jarod, I really like this image and think you have managed to bring out some really good drama in the coloring. My only suggestion in terms of the image would be to try cropping the left side of the image closer in so that the dark valley to the left of the mountain doesn't have the little indent that it currently does. I believe that would make that portion of the image appear almost like a wave either coming towards or receeding from the mountain, which might add some additional visual interest and serve as a counter to the bright sky on the immediate right of the image.

    I would probably recommend you lose the frame since it detracts from the image itself but clearly that is a matter of personal preference.

    Nice image and like many on the site, I only comment on the images I think are good.


  2. Mark,

    I am really torn with this one. First let me say that I think you have a number of really beautiful images from this trip and I was actually telling someone about them today because they are so fantastic.

    Your choice of aperture and the sharpness created throughout this image is spot on. The horizon feels like it is a bit off - left to right, but that is easily fixable. What I am torn about is the green of the plants in the foreground. While they create a certain amount of visual interest, in the end I found them to be distracting from the grandeur of the image. My eye is continually drawn back to them and away from the river, trees, mountains, etc., that otherwise make this an amazing image. I recognize that they create a unique aspect to this image from the many other images of the park, but in the end I found them to be more of a distraction.

    I am not a landscape photographer but you have created an amazing group of images with this trip that are truly enjoyable to see - thanks for sharing.





    This is a really nice image. The contrast of the black and white, the framing of the image, the expression on the man's face, just everything is really, really well done. Great job.




    I love this technique when you apply it to cars or other objects but applied to people it is distracting and makes the model appear somewhat zombie like. I would rather see the same image without the heavy processing and then deem this one a self portrait. I agree with the other reviewer in that if she was looking at the camera then I think the image could be improved.




    I think you have captured a really nice composition here but I am not a fan of the post processing enriched detail. Unless there is a problem with the focus or something else about the image that required the processing to make it acceptable, I would really rather see the image without the post-processing. I think the way you have composed the image and the subject matter is very strong and the post processing, for me, is more of a distraction.





    This is a really nice image. I love the way you have used the reflection to capture more of her expression and the framing of the image is really nice as well, which causes the lighting to draw me into the image. I think the expression on the man's face in the background adds to the image as well - very nicely captured.

    Time to nap!



    This is a really well composed image. I love the way you have captured the man and included the sidewalk and the two men walking away as if it is normal to see a man sleeping on the bench. I am wondering why you have made this image so grainy or was it the result of the ISO setting for some reason? I really wanted to see more detail in the image (I realize in street photography sometimes you only have time to grab what you can) especially as it pertained to the sleeping man on the bench. Good composition.

  3. Brenda,

    Had to laugh when I saw your shot - I have the "V" mask in one of my more recent images captured in Seattle. You may want to play with this in black and white to bring out the mask more and then I would reduce the size of your name so as not to distract from the image (unless of course you have had problems with people stealing your images). Good job.





    You have done a nice job of capturing a sharp image in a tough lighting situation. While the person is somewhat dark, there is still good detail and the fact that you have captured the lines to the parachute is really impressive. The cropping in this instance it very centered and I would rather see how this looked with the person to the left side of the image with some sky to the right as if there was room for them to make their turn and then fly off into the sky. By cropping them so tightly it feels a bit cramped. Regardless, good job on the sharpness and lighting.

  4. Richard,

    This is a really nice image. the fact that you were able to pick up so many different hues of tan is really amazing. The way you framed it to increase the height from the foreground to the background is very well done. Nice job!

  5. Raymond,

    I am really struggling with this image. I like the composition, the positioning of the peaks, the landscape and the road in front of them and the general coloring of the foreground. I am struggling with the coloring of the sky because it feels oversaturated and makes the overall image less impressive. I don't know if you increased the saturation or changed the sky in some way but it feels less natural and for me, is detracting from the image.


  6. Seth,

    This has the potential to be a really nice image. The little child approaching the dog statue is really endearing but the others in the image with cameras, walking by, the real dog passing by without noticing the child or the dog statue detract from the central theme you have captured in the little child appraoching the statue. If you could crop it so there was the just the child and the statue with perhaps just feet in the background, I think this would be a stronger image.


  7. John,

    This image has a lot of promise and you captued the movement and the lighting of the fair well. By straightening the tower so that it was perpendicular with the edge of the photo I believe the overall presentation of the image could be imptoved. Thanks for sharing.

    Firey sky!



    The subject matter and the framing of this image are well conceived. I am having a bit of trouble with the coloring because it feels over saturated and on the verge of unrealistic. I love the breadth of the image and the way you have captured the expanse.




    This is a really interesting image and well done. Your horizon is level and the image is sharp which really lends to the crazy collapsing feel of the dock. I am not sure the guy with the robes and hats is needed as I think the image works on a number of levels but at the same time, I don't mind him. You also might try a more normal model which then would serve as a counterpoint to the strangeness of the collapsing dock. In any event, I really like your image.



    Sunny Glazur



    I really like this image. To some extent it reminds me of the images of Stephen Shore - has a 50's/60's feel to it that is captivating. While I would normally prefer that the horizon be leveled off - in this image, having things at a slant really works.

    Good job,


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