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Image Comments posted by donbright

  1. A big thank you to all that appreciated this, "Afternoon Rain in Paris." I caught this in front of the Hotel I was staying at. Mostly just trying to get out of the rain, but saw this at a glance and got on it. Some shots are worth the drying off!
  2. I concur with the broken branch, I'm not a fan of the branch, but I have made it a practice not to practice modifying the elements in my pictures, just as wildlife Photographers and wildlife Zoologists don't interfere with nature's way. I have found in the pursuit of Landscape Photography, there is no perfect picture. There's always something going on to give me a reason not to shoot the picture. I've been through this and found myself finding reasons not to take the picture, so today I'm trying to find reasons to take the picture. I also don't do any of this in a competitive way even though I'm here sharing my pictures seemingly seeking adulation. I'm actually not interested. I'm finding that the drive to produce is better served without extraneous imaginings. It must be working because after 33 years of being bit by the bug, I am as veracious as ever to the Photographic creative process.


    Lars, I agree fully and I did the crop in Lightroom. It totally lives up to your suggestion, but I wish there was a way here at P.Net to replace a Photograph by maintaining comments and views. I'm also looking into how Exif works here at P.Net, because my settings are set to not restrict Exif, yet it does anyway. Thank you for your comment! Terrific how a simple move can make all the difference!
  3. Sanford, Having looked at you works again it has sunk in that you have an affinity for the Monterey Peninsula as I do. Although its not my home, yet! It is a home away from home. Lovely work you have, and a lot of it!

    Actually I'll be up in April on the 16th.


    Gianluigi, Thank you! Sometimes simple is good enough, sometimes not. Sometimes there are pleasant surprises. In this case late day, Blue Hour, I had forgot to readjust a custom white balance set earlier in the day, making the Blue Hour, Bluer!
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