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Everything posted by jpalmer57

  1. Tried reducing saturation a little, reduced highlights and shadows a little, clarity and cropped just a little to remove the bright areas on top. Used LR.
  2. Lightroom adjust exposure cropped a little, move to Silver Efex, apply Film Noir 1 preset.
  3. From the beginning I saw this a a seaside postcard, so I tried to get there. First in Lightroom, cropped tried to adjust the contrast but it didn't get where I wanted. Moved to PS, increased exposure, contrast in sky, saturation a little then went to NIK Analog Efex Pro 2, Classic Camera 5 preset, applied squared light vignette, reduced brightness a little. Hope the colors show up right.
  4. Local stream valley park, Zeiss Maximar 207/7 9x12 cm, Fomapan 100, R09 1+100, semi-stand, 60 min
  5. jpalmer57

    Folly Lick ford

    Stream ford in Folly Lick Stream Valley Park, Zeiss Maximar 207/7 9x12 cm
  6. Second shot, also with Maximar 207/7 with Foma 100.
  7. Results of recent practicing with a Zeiss Ikon Maximar 207/7, 9x12, with Foma 100, old train station in downtown Herndon, VA
  8. <p>Gordon, I agree completely with the other comments, a wonderful image!<br> Mine is a leaf just catching the light right.<br> Wishing a wonderful New Year to all. Peace.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>From our first freezing precipitation event of the year.</p><div></div>
  10. <p>Hope I'm not too late. Found these mushrooms growing on the side of an old tree stump in a local park. Seem to be growing in every hole or large crack.</p><div></div>
  11. <p>This dead tree in a local woods frequently catches my eye, finally I got a shot of it (the first one).</p><div></div>
  12. <p>I've been trying to identify this flower, am confused by the compound leaf just behind it. Any ideas? Thanks.</p><div></div>
  13. <p>Laura,<br> Thanks for the link to Tom's page, it is interesting and a good explanation. I didn't know anything about these plants. Goes to show what you can learn by taking some photos. Thanks.</p>
  14. <p>Indian pipe, <em>Monotropa uniflora, </em>in a local park. First ones I've seen, coming up through the plant litter just like mushrooms.</p><div></div>
  15. <p>Michael, not sure I know what you mean, I'm seeing what I meant to post?</p>
  16. <p>Here's a quick attempt, no real target in mind, just playin' with it for a bit in LR.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>A major sign of Spring's arrival in my local park is catkins on the River Birches.</p><div></div>
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