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Image Comments posted by elliots

  1. Good choice with B\W, however the shadows keep drawing my attention away from margarate, maybe if she was closer to them it would help with keeping attention on her and masking her strong shadow.

    Good work it is interesting!



    Thank you Rashad for the nice critique! 

    I played a whole day to figure out the best settings for catching an insect in flight!  I am glad you find the photo colours original, especially after I had to remove the noise! The colours are original however more luminance was added.





    I increased my ISO in this image to get a wider DOF and still

    keep my shutter speed high, I had to remove noise with

    luminance and am wondering if I did it correctly? Any advice

    would help!

  2. Thanks Stephen for the critique!  I see what you mean by the rock being on the right hand side, it would have brought out more of the sun set colour into the picture, the angle of the rocks make more sense aswell it seems to draw my attention away from the photo.

    Well I have my work cut out for me, I will be retaking soon YAY!



  3. This is nice, I would like to see it croped to make the photo horizontal and to give the impression that you are inside the museum instead of half way out (the lady and the light by the door) also to enhance the saturation to bring out the colours.

    I have loaded a pic so that you can see what I mean.

    Nice work!


    Life is


    Thanks Gary the advice is very interesting!! The backround was dark to begin with, I actually had to bring the exposure down for the flower and the background faded aswell.  I will re-crop this and experience the effect you are refering to!

    Thanks again for the advice its much appreciated!!

    Flower background


    The colour is very good, I dont know if you maybe oversaturated it seems to hurt my eyes hehe.  I would love to see this in a high contrast greyscale to get a different feeling!! Really nice!!


    Regards Elliott




    I eventually decided to get myself the Canon 550D. WOW I should have done this a long time ago! Thanks guys for your critiques and encouragement! I will add some photos from my new best friend ;)



    Hi I take some photos just for fun. I have been told that I have an eye for

    it but I am not sure, I would like to get myself a descent SLR but am not

    sure if putting so much money into it will be worth my while. I have

    edited this photo with lightroom and CS5 however I will post the original

    if necessary. I am wondering about if I did the saturation correctly and

    how to make the mountains more vibrant without influencing the

    forground. I will be posting some of my other favorite pictures for

    critique so please be as honest and critical as possible!! Thanks so


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