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Image Comments posted by bill_tucker3

  1. Lose the cheesy digital effect and you'd have an interesting take on an over-photographed subject. Really, the composition, and odd exposure are attention grabbing enough, artificial lens flare just looks like...well, artificial lens flare.

    Yosemite Light

    There's sort of a delicious irony in your technical dedails; High tech camera, high tech lens...natural scene, tri-x, d-76. I love it. Great shot by the way.


    well done. There aren't many heavily manipulated images that I find appealing; I gues this proves the talent is in creator not the tools.


    Low light, Child running toward you, shallow depth of field, rangefinder camera, and the focus is perfect. You're either real good, real lucky or both. Great shot.



    Sir, with all respect; the child is beautiful but this is a forum for photographers to display their images to be critiqued on aesthetics, technique, content etc. As a member you can store these images in a personal folder to view or to share with family and friends, however their presence here (in such quantity) is distracting.

    He is cute though.

  2. This shot does its job very well. That is to bring a grin to the face of the viewer. You've got a great eye for seeing the poetry in this scene, the composition is great and the moment is the right one. Focus could be a little sharper but at least you caught it.


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