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Image Comments posted by ghulette

  1. what do you think of this? i am trying out a photoshop technique for

    simulating a graduated ND filter, the idea being to bring out

    contrast in the sky. successful? or over the top? i DON'T want

    an "artificial" or "photoshopped" look.

  2. just wondering what people thought of the composition here. i

    considered cropping out the big dark tree on the left, but i think it

    throws the balance off. what do you think? ps - i already know the

    horizon isn't level.

    March 11, 2002

    its great. i would recommend that, as long as you are using photoshop, you shrink your images a little bit. i would recommend 800 pixels on the longest side. this has the twin benefits of allowing people to view your entire photo on one screen and also making it look sharper.

    Man kissing dog


    i think this is pretty humorous, but it has only received a few

    ratings and no comments so maybe no one else thinks so. do you find

    it funny? also what do you think of the exposure, considering the

    white dog and the dark everything else?

  3. i like this photo, the light looks great. how did you meter it? do you remember details, like the aperture and shutter speed? i have often tried shots like this with terrible results, maybe there is some trick i am missing...
  4. i recently recropped this. how do you feel about the symmetry/the

    subject's face being more or less the center of the frame? also

    please rate, along with the rest of my tokyo folder.

  5. i guess its nice. this photo caught my eye since i recognized it as being of san francisco, despite the digital manipulation. i would like to see the original for comparison, from what i can tell this seems like a great shot of the city to begin with. the filter makes it impressionistic. i think it succeeds as an impressionistic piece because it gave me an "impression" of san francisco, without really being anything immeadiately or easily identifiable.
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