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Posts posted by mark_alberti

  1. <p>After having enjoyed taking b&w photos for a long period of time I'd like to make good use of the negatives and memories. Unfortunately I no longer have access to a darkroom and the logical consequence of this seems to be digitizing the collection which for many reasons is a good idea. However, I was thinking if it is possible to convert negatives to slides to then be able to show them on a slide projector. I'm not saying that it makes great economic or practical sense but if it was possible it would be a fun way to share photos with other.<br>

    My question is therefore, is it possible with the help of a slide duplicator to insert an original negative and take a photo of it with a new negative. This new negative would hopefully be the opposite of the original negative and therefore be able to be used in a slide projector. From a internet searches and searches in this forum I have not stumbled upon similar attempts which makes me think I am missing several layers of complexity from this line of thought. Can anyone tell me why this is not possible or has anyone been successful in this approach?</p>

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