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Image Comments posted by rkuberek



    One of my favorites in this portfolio, the composition is excellent, but what really makes this image is the use of back-lighting, which brings out detail in the subject that would be lost if lighted face on. The result is excellent.



    This sweeping panorama captures something elemental in our industrial society. Powerful man-made works set against the background of the natural riverbanks provide a fundamental contrast, and the rust colored foreground of the river barge provides color and ties in with the theme of man vs. nature, with neither clearly the winner.



    What can one say about the beauty of this flower, except that the photographer has captured it successfully. The depth of field is excellent--nearly perfect for this flower, and the bokeh is very nice.



    I simply just like this photo. It (the subject camera) has a classic style and the photo matches it with a classic look. It's subtle, but I believe this photo is in color. The giveaway is the sepia toned metal piece to the far right, about halfway down to the bottom of this camera. Analysis of color values in Photoshop confirms.

    I would say that because there is nothing else in the photo, centering the subject would have been acceptable and perhaps a little better. The studied composition, lower left 2/3, presumes the presence of other elements (in my opinion), which this photo does not have.



    Light, shadow and texture conspire to make this "classic" looking artistic nude very professional looking. I don't think this image would be nearly as good in color. Black and white gives it a power that color wouldn't have.



    Exceptional color, composition, background and exposure values, combined with the vintage and condition of the subject truck, conspire to make this picture irresistible.



    One of my favorites. The side lighting creates definition that is very difficult to obtain with yellow and the black background (I assume velvet or something) really helps the image jump. Great job.

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