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Everything posted by one_ant

  1. <blockquote> <p>What's your take on yourself when in public as compared to when in private, and on the people that you see and photograph in public?</p> </blockquote> <p>I am horribly self aware in the street, I’ve been delivered in a box that says FRAGILE and THIS SIDE UP but the courier has deposited the carton on the pavement with me inside and upside down. The complications are huge and insurmountable and yet this is how I arrive. It used to take ages but I am getting better at it and become less aware and in its place more aware. Michael’s beautiful subway photographs are a theme and mine a moment and while his might have started from an accident so did mine but the other kind. </p> <p> </p> <center><img src="http://www.oneant.com.au/content/misc/_ANT4516.jpg" alt="" /> <p> <strong>as if strUck by an iDEa</strong> (sooc)</p> </center> <p>Its about grief and its mine but I have disguised it as something else and as it happens it did become something else…</p> <p><em>I/250<sup>th</sup><sup> </sup>of a millisecond and ignited like the spark from the strike of a match somewhere in the dark. Somewhere deep in the neural network in the tightly packed tangle is the instantaneous response to the moment, an ignited neuron sparking an action as fast as any star in the sky and across wiring enough to connect your head to the moon. A presynaptic neuron releases a code, a timed sequence of pulses called a spike train and ahead of it the Mylar track has been cleared as if a signal has been switched to divert all other thoughts. </em><br /><em> Your eyes turn slightly upward and away from the task at hand, you are focused on nothing in space and you stand in an odd silence as though your feet are planted in the eye of a hurricane. A silent alarm grows steadily louder and louder as more neurons are ignited, broadcasting the memories and experiences of a hundred lifetimes that were never yours. Your skin is dry but you feel it from the inside, your eyes are wide but your vision is inward, your heart is racing but your body is still. The speeding train of thought flashes by and suddenly you are released back into space and time by a force that moves your life forward …as if struck by an idea.</em></p> <p>masks are very useful and problematic ...don't you think.</p> <p>Ant<br />ɹǝpun uʍop puɐl ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ</p>
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