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Image Comments posted by switchedcraigmageephotogra

  1. nice... Good looking girl, really cool hair.

    Shame its another moody goth shot. I see about a million moody goth kids a day (Damn you Slipknot)so this is not much new, a shot of a happy goth would be cool...mmmmm something different to do ....!

  2. taken on a field trip to Salford quays manchester. We were supposed

    to go look round the Lowery but it's a really horrible building so i

    decided to go check out the new armouries as they'd finished most of

    the exterior and it looked quit interesting. I'd say, despite all the

    shiny metal it is the best building around there short of the bridge.

  3. yeah, i couldnt help but burn out the wheel, it;s chrome and really shiny. The main lighting is actually the big lamp which lights this part of the park. the lights are really directed, they are supposed to be floods but they behave more like big spots. Anyway, the shadow and probably the cause of the chrome blowing out is the big light in the rafters, the highlight in the left is the flash firing for fill. No reflectors or owt, it was hard enough to get low for the pic what with all the inline kids and the other riders. This is actually a crop, i was gonna post the original but it's disapeared and i cant be bothered rescaning it



    i dont think so. Ive never been able to recreate images i have which are crossed, by digitally manipulating a slide film. The look just isnt the same, also so much info is lost. I find digital can help with stuff that you cant do with cross procesing but would like to, like uniform pink skintones (ohhh how i'd like to get that on the film), and other color shifts. But film has so much life left in it, espesially for effects like cross processing and shooting sports in very low light.

    I like the shot, the over all blue is really interesting, which film did you use??? check out my gallery for loads of shots taken on Kodak EPN which is my fav.

    have fun and dabble with everything you can get your hands on.


  4. Nope, aint no photoshop involved. the scan came out that color (RGB scan with ls-2000). Just a little tonal correction with the curves. all the blur and funky lighting, depth of field etc are done with good old fashioned film and slowsync flash. All appear on the film....

    exposure was like 1/8th of a second. I'm putting another version in my portfolio space, check it out

  5. *BOOM* Philip there happens to be a virtually identical shot (albiet with a soft focus effect) with her head up alittle and eyes open, in my gallery thingy, check it out.... theres also a bunch of other pics on there which follow a similar line of thought. I sussed that i like the effect i get cause i really like 'graphical' looks, i do a lot of designs and layouts with simple blocks of color, no textures really, so thats were it comes from i like my photography to work with my designs and vise versa (hows that for B/Sing!!!... :-)...) I dunno though, i put one shot of a latex clad girl on the critique board and everyone has loads to say, i put two pics of guys on bikes on and no one says much...hmmm
  6. ringflash - i use it cause its gives me a nice lighting patern which my 540 doesnt seem to give (its a bit easier to handle also) Sometimes i get the halo, which yeah would have been good here but its only a little macro lite so its hard to get it. and it was only set to 16th power.


    crossing - this is EPP crossed, both it and EPN (kodak) dont have huge color shifts, mostly everything goes high saturation, but you also get pale/white skintones, which i love. I love high saturation and contrast portraits but with pale/white skintones. it has a certain feel which i love. I dont go for huge color shifts usually, just the saturation. And beliveme the blue would not be there if it wasnt for the crossing (altough the jpeg seems to have killed most of it...damn sRGB)


    whiteouts - As i say i like the lack of detail i wanted it for a clean uniform tone, i can see a line at the chin clearly here!! maybe montior is lighter than mine. I think theres enough detail in the lashes for me and on the prints are really black and defined. i would of liked the line of the bust (another reason for the ringflash!!) but it's hard to get, and shes only small and didnt have her 'chicken fillets' in so they lost a little definition


    mirror! - More refelctions is hard when you cross it, i think theres enough, any more and i'd of seen myself in it which i hate. I like the few round the edges, it makes up for the lack of halo.( aldo i had a red t-shirt on which i'm suprised didnt leave reflections, which it has when ive done shots outdoors in the sun!)


    well thanx again and theres my reasoning.

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