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Posts posted by brooke_renee

  1. <p>Also I can choose my spot as it is only a in studio performance I can be as close as 3m away or choose to stand up the back which would be able 10-12m away so fairly close either way. I wanted a zoom as I know some of the girls are very good at doing tricks and I could focus in on one girl only at a time. No flash is allowed unfortunately.</p>
  2. <p>Thanks very much for the feedback, I have been overseas therefore unable to respond. I am new at this ive only been studying photography for the past year. I have a D7000 and will be borrowing my sisters D90 so I have two cameras which will be handy! I wanted a zoom as I already had a fixed prime lens. I have researched the 50-150 sigma and cant find one available to be shipped to Australia would love this lens so ill keep searching!, Ive just heard about the Tokina AF 50-135mm f/2.8 AT-X Pro DX does anyone have any feedback on this lens? I will defiantly look into the Nikon 85 1.4 and also look into hiring one like the Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 VR II as money is my only problem!<br>

    I have a tripod but doubt ill use it as dancing is so fast paced and ill need to be changing spots and levels quiet quickly.<br>

    Thanks again for all the feedback very appreciated!</p>

  3. <p>Im just getting into dance photography as a favor to a close friend. I currently have the Nikon D90 with 50mm 1.4G and am looking for a zoom lens (Nikkor or third party lenses), the nikkor 70-200mm looks fantastic but its not in my budget im looking for a cheaper option to capture fast movement in low light situations. Any suggestions?? Thanks :)</p>
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