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Image Comments posted by ic

  1. that's the enrance in the museum of modern art on the north side of museumsquartier isn't it? the garden there is a very popular spot for viennese people to hang out and it provides many photo opportunities. Classic PS job here - i guess an even more classic approach would have been to just leave the pink hat or the red dress in color and desaturate the rest. For myself i would probably just stick to full B/W.


    Santillana del Mar

    great visual effect. did you by any chance play a bit with the angles and produced differet versions as well? i think this is what i would have done. i think a bit of a lower angle would have maybe united the line in the foreground with the second long roof line making it maybe simpler and more linear.

    Getting Closer

    i love teh ambiguity - when i first seen this shot i instictively thought that the silouhette is the bad guy, approaching with some evel idea. Some people though believed it's teh good guy coming to save the day. We are basically all products of hero/ villain cultures and this shot hits just that spot. Excellent stuff.
  2. i think the title is a bit pretentious to be honest. technically nothing really to complain about but overall i think this image may be a bit too heavy and too much trying. i would't want it on my wall, but i certainly see why it may appeal to many people. Had a quick look in your portfolio btw and found many excellent pictures there, way better than this one.
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