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Posts posted by israel1

  1. <p>Brad, I thought the idea was to combine the best lens with the best body one can afford?<br /> <br />I realise I am taking this argument to an extreme here - 14k is overkill on a single focal length lens - so perhaps I need to phrase this differently:</p>


    <p>I want to get the best bang for my buck that will meet my need for a small body camera / lens combo that I can grab for a hike anywhere I want and secure top notch IQ. I have a budget of R18k.<br /> The most up-to-date camera lens combo would then be:</p>


    <li>Canon EOS 600D (body only) R8,295.00</li>

    <li>Canon EF 35 mm f 2.0 - R 2,751.77</li>

    <li>Canon EF 85 mm f 1.8 USM - R 3,589.67</li>


    <p>This would leave money over for a flash.</p>


    <li>Canon SPEEDLITE 430 EX Mk II - R 2,495.00</li>



    <p>Or, like John says:<br>

    the lack of AF-S in the canon range is a minus. FYI, I have a 35/1.8 AF-S; 60/2.8 Af-S Micro, 18-70/3.5-4.5 AF-S & an SB 700 flash.<br>

    <br />If 'L' glass is too unrealistic in terms of price (and weight - THANK YOU for pointing THAT out) maybe I should just trade the D300 and 18-70 in towards a D3100 and keep on shooting?</p>

  2. <p>Thanks Guys.</p>

    <p>G Dan, my thinking is to go for a small flash and then 135/2 L in the next 12 months with the aim of having a small, portable dSLR kit. If not, for that kind of money I'm sure I could look at either a 17-40 L + flash / 85/1.8, and still have some change ... I have shot the 17-40 & a 24-105 + 20D on a hike in December last year and both proved to be very good.</p>

    <p>Simon, a great camera I'm sure, though size and weight wise, isn't it close to the D300?</p>

    <p>DS, thanks for the practical advice. I don't think it makes sense to aim for anything less than a 450D.</p>

  3. <p>Hi all.</p>

    <p>I was using a Nikon D40 before I went overseas in January. I exchanged it towards a D300, but it's now April and I can count the times I took the D300 out on both hands and both feet. It was too heavy and large and thank Gd I had my Canon P&S with me.</p>

    <p>Now that I've returned to Johannesburg I am considering switching to the Rebel range. The combination of:</p>


    <li>a smaller body with built-in-motor; </li>

    <li>G9 flash compatibility and </li>

    <li>the chance to shoot some 'L' glass are pulling me in this direction. </li>


    <p>Following a trade-in of all my Nikon gear Im budgeting R18,000 towards a new purchase which will net me an 35mm f/1.4 L prime (R14,000) and ....</p>

    <p>Well, I need a body to hang off it. At that price range Im looking at (R4000) one of the following:</p>



    <li>450D (used) </li>

    <li>1000D (new) </li>

    <li>400D (used, will take my CF cards)</li>


    <p>Which one would you suggest?</p>

    <p>thanks for your advice</p>


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