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Posts posted by sprouty

  1. <p><em>"looking for the most compact canvas bag...that will comfortably fit..."</em><br>




    The key phrase is "comfortably fit". I've had both a Domke F2 and an A&A Sabastio's Reporter Satchel. In my opinion the F2 would only work with the lenses un-mounted and the A&A would be tight. <br>




    I carried a D200 with a Nikon 17-55 and also a Sigma 30mm 1.4 plus SB800 flash, charger and misc cards in the Sabastio's and it was a manageable but tight. I loved the bag and now use it to carry a D700, and two primes (35 and 50) plus the flash and other items (no zooms though). <br>




    I can't recommend the A&A bag enough; it's perfect as far as I'm concerned. But unfortunately I think you may have to order it to see if you can get everything into (and out of it) comfortably.<br>



  2. <p><span style="font-size: 9pt; color: black; font-family: Verdana;">I'm sure this has been asked but a forum search didn't really provide many useful links: I'm looking for a recommendation for an online resource to make a few custom photo-calendars.  Very small quantities, 1 or 2 of each and would prefer better image quality than super-cheap pricing.  I know of Snapfish and Ofoto, but nothing seems to stand out as great.  Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. </span><br>

    <span style="font-size: 9pt; color: black; font-family: Verdana;"></span></p>

  3. I am a member of a community darkroom. There are more than two dozen members sharing 5 enlargers and two wet spaces. You simply call up and schedule your time with the dark room manger on a first-come first-served basis. After work it can be a little tight on some days but it no one ever complains. I think it's a great system; I'm not sure why it wouldn't work for other types of shared spaces.
  4. <I>"I don't bother to check when I'm posting online - it's not worth my time."</I>


    Yes, why bother to make an effort when the people taking the time to respond to you mean so little.


    And as for the image critiques offered, all I can say is that I would rather 30 people I don't know call my images shit, if it was their honest assessment, than have them dance around the subject. Reality is never delivered on a sugared spoon: you get it straight-up. If you want to be coddled, give your mother a ring.

  5. I agree with Matt (both of them)...


    First of all this isn't a model, this is a friend of the photographer, and second this isn't a small mole in an inconspicuous location. This type of situation needs to be handled with care and understanding given, that without knowing the relationship between these two, a suggestion to remove anything might be construed as an insult.


    For all we know she might consider her mole a beauty mark. I say tread lightly.

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