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Image Comments posted by paul__w._faust




    GREAT shot!   Beautifully set up.    "Wish that was outside my window"   (her too)

    If I changed anything at all about this image it would be to slightly crop it a bit.

    On the bottom I'd crop halfway up between her hair and the bottom of the frame. On the top I'd crop off just below that dark spot at the top right. The left I'd bring in just enough to keep these proportions. Or leave it long with no crop on the left.

    The arrow shapes (a clock I guess) on the bottom bothers me, and does not add any to the image. The curves around it do, so that is why I'd get rid of that bottom area.




    Great image.  If this is what yo like doing for a living you have a good furure ahead of you.

    The only thing that I would nit-pick about in an advertising sense is the left hand holding the edge of the jacket.  It doesn't look quite right as it is now. The hand should either hold the edge out farther so you can see the inside of the jacket, or in against the body so the hand looks better. A small matter but one that a fashion designer would notice real fast.



    You have the beginnings of a good idea here, but it needs more than just a lone apple stem. It is a bit boring this way. Try to find something to pair it with. If you can pick your own apples find one that has a leaf with it, or set up 2 or 3 apples so the stems come together in a nice natural way. Or just forget the stem and shoot several apples (or fruit) side by side but close enough not to show the whole fruit. Sort of like where 3 apples come together in a pile. That you can also do from all sorts of angles.

    If you don't mind moving away from an all natural image you can find other small objects to place in the area that the stem goes into the apple. A small stone would be a natural item, or go for something away from nature and use something like a marble. Small people figures could be used to make a working type scene.




    Beautiful model and very nice composition.

    Well done.

    The only thing that I would change or try to fix is that thick hair going out the top corner.

    It does not help the rest of the image.




    Pretty good.  I would fix two matters though.

    First of all her eyes should be in focus as they are the most important feature in a portrait.

    Second, since this is a Hippy or Indian kind of shot the sweater does not quit fit the look. You need to do it again but get a leather vest or top that looks more in tune with the hair, beads, and headband.  Then you will have a great shot, but whatever you do get the eyes in focus and SHARP.

    When I take a second look at this I also have a problem with that arm going out the side of the pic. The more I look at it the stranger it feels to me. Like it was amputated just outside the frame or something. It even looks like it is twisted and she is being forced to stay in that position.  It just looks too uncomfortable of a pose so that makes the image look uncomfortable.




    I really like how you did this.

    The only thing that bothers me about it is the fact that the tree is in nice focus, but the ground right under it looks out of focus which makes the whole thing look strange.

  1. Sunsets can make great images, or they can make everyday snapshots. The colors here are good but there are a few problems with the image. For one, the image looks hand-held so the image is not sharp anywhere in the shot. The most dramatic sunsets have sharp clouds, at least in one area of the frame. Another problem I have is the tree branch at the bottom. Move or do whatever you have to do to remove such things from the frame, which means that you have to pay attention to what is in the frame when you take the shot. The other thing is that there is too much empty gray area at the top. It has no interest there. Shooting a horizontal would have taken care of that and the tree.

    You should also try using a telephoto lens on some future shots to zoom in on the most interesting areas of the clouds. ALSO, USE A TRIPOD to get the sharpness you need. Yes, they can be a pain in the ass, but there is NO better way to get good sharp quality images.

    As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for.

    Old sea dogs ..


    I like the idea, but I am wondering why you did the photoshop type sandwich work on the image, but didn't also remove the numbers and letters from the side of the boat. The sandwich effects add to the feel of the image, but to me the other thing just takes that feeling away.



    I might like it if I knew what it was supposed to be about.  I can see that it is part of some ones butt, but what is the hole/spot/?  supposed to be?   Just doesn't work for me just because it is not clear enough to understand.

    watercolor 2


    A lot of people are now trying this long exposure/camera motion type images, but most of them do not work as well as this one. Good job. Keep it up.

    Don't know if you noticed but images that do not have much white sky in them work a lot better than those that do. Keep the frame FULL of color (any colors) and you get a lot more images like this one.



    I really like it. Everything that should be in focus, is.

    Nice tight crop, and great tone effect for this shot.

    If you use Photoshop or any imaging program I'd burn-in (darken) the reflection of the scarf in the window.  As it is now it is just bright enough to be distracting.

  2. Good idea. Good lighting.

    The only problem I have with the image is the light coming out of her head.

    I would have moved so that her head blocked it, which also would have highlightd her hair at the same time.

    Why can't I find alleys like this in my town?  :-(

  3. I think you had the beginnings of a good idea, but there are a few things that just don't work for me. The top & bottom right corners mainly. The top is just enough in focus to be distracting because you can't really tell what it is, not that you would want to. It doesn't look interesting enough that I'd even want to see it. The bottom corner is just too bright and out of focus that also makes it distracting.

    Next time get rid of whatever is at the top, and you can fix the other corner by moving back far enough so that ALL of the subject is in focus, and then crop if needed after that. Remember that you can always crop out something that you don't want to show, but you can't add what is not there.  If you want to do a lot of this type work try a LOT of variations and learn what works and what doesn't.  Your images will get a LOT better.



    Not much you can find wrong with this shot.

    Not anything in fact.

    Great shot and one that would be a great seller.

    You really lucked out to have him land right in front of you!

  4. Perfect lighting and good use of out-of-focus background. You couldn't have gotten better timing of this shot. Normally I wouldn't like the angle on the face, but there is still enough of it here to see the boy features, so it's still ok. I don't know what lens you used on this shot, but but if you can get a hold of a longer one you could move more to the right and get more face in the next time, but NOT too far right or you loose this good angle. It's sort of a trade-off that you would have to test out. Move several feet at a time and then see what you get at those places, then stick to that area. Take a lot of test shots that way to find the right spot and you will end up with super shots after that. Again, not too far though or you loose the effect of the bat and ball.  You have a good start here. All you need is to fine-tune it.

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