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Image Comments posted by neil_beddoe1


    I don't understand how such a lovely photograph can engender such an active discussion most of which seems to be about how best to gild the lily. I would die happy if I'd taken this. Almost any piece of art, from Beethoven's 9th to a Van Dyck portrait could generate a million comments about how they may be improved but that doesn't mean you should bother trying. Some things are crap, others are wonderful. No amount of fine tuning will turn crap into the sublime. it's very easy to turn the sublime into crap.


    Beautiful saturated colours. I was wondering whether you changed them in any way when you didgitised the image or was the Ectachrome able to produce such saturated tones?

    Shadow ...

    If the shot were taken sooner and the man was in the light, his shodow would fall in the archway and not across the window. The shadow on the window is one of the strong points of the picture. The timing of this shot was perfect I think.
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