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Image Comments posted by christopherhall

    Light at the top


    Extremely well composed. Very strong and simple. Diagonal stair/wall line and stair corner line support drawing the eye to the light at the top of the stairs and the horizontal brickwork and stair treads provide a contrast with the diagonal. Im thinking there was some burning and dodging involved and it is well done.

    Grey Rocks


    It had been raining for a few days, turning what is usually a relatively

    tame set of rapids into a roaring, frothing powerhouse. Thanks for


    Jagged Edge


    Nice. Bold, simple, diagonal composition. Dark, solid background accentuates the thorns with a nice contrast between highlight and shadow. Fine detail in the rest of the plant repeats and supports the diagonal composition. Well done!

    As time goes by


    Beautiful. Excellent tonal range and wonderfully soft water matching the sky. I feel this image may be improved by narrow horizontal cropping to show dock in the middle cropped to the edge of the dark water and bottom set of clouds, but thats just me. Well done!



    Marvelous! Nicely bokehd background with the dark part behind the drop helps pull the eye to the drop. And what a drop- so razor-sharp I feel like I can see the whole world in it. A nice color to the leaf edge completes the feast. Well done!

  1. A wonderfully composed, simple image. The background horizon line of dark/light is perfectly placed at the centerline of the jet. Monochromatic treatment strips the image down to bare essentials- less is more here. The vapor on the wing edge combined with the trail from the engines shows us this plane is really moving. Well done!

    Thousand bubble


    Excellent image. Super-soft background allows my eye to explore the razor-sharp foreground with all its detail. Lovely color palette and cool-warm balance. A 7 if I could rate it. Well done!



    Great balance between warm and cool colors in this shot. Highlights on the bubbles contrast with shadows and create interest, leading my eye around the frame. Well done yet again!

  2. This is absolutely one of the best images of the aurora I have ever seen. Perfect balance between the aroura and the landscape. Great detail in the rocks and plants in the foreground. Well balanced composition. Wow. A night to remember, yes, but truly an image to remember!

  3. This is a lovely image. Strong simple composition which is enhanced by the narrow cropping. Great color in the sky. I think the image would have been improved by a slower shutter speed to smooth out the water, but thats just me. Well done!

    Japanese Anemone


    Lovely color, accentuated by the dark negative space. The nicely bokeh'd repeating flowers in the background create an interesting motif and balance the principal subject in the foreground. Well done!

  4. I like shots of lonely, abandoned places and this is a good one. Sidelight on the door gives detail and atmosphere, the light on the floor pulls the eye to the structure in the bottom left. The wall on the right looks interesting and I wish I could see more of it. Well done!

    A Promise


    Great use of filters to bring contrast under control and allow a shutter speed that will smooth the water without losing too much of the reflection of the vegetation. I particularly like the atmospherics of the shadow cast by the hills in the background. Well done!



    Very pleasing composition and B&W was a good choice. Good choice of shutter speed- captures the motion without softening it too far. Nice balance between highlight and shadow as well. Well done!

  5. WOW, love this image! Im not sure if you intend the drop shadow to be part of the image or not (it detracts IMHO)- so Im going to ignore it. Great colors and textures and an excellent composition. Another good thing is that the water is not reflective which helps the image a great deal. Well done!

  6. Good shot. Excellent use of the tunnel to create a frame within a frame, focussing the eye on the sea. Strong, simple effective composition. IMHO, the image would increase in effect with another subject other than just the sea within the opening of the tunnel such as a person, animal or boat to create more interest. But thats just me. Well done! (6)

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