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Image Comments posted by mont_sherar

  1. Talk about amazing, I was just on my way to praise this photo Edmondo, and then I saw you hit me at the exact same time - AMAZING!

    This portrait is SUPERB in all ways  - have seen it elsewhere ;-)


  2. Very unique, original, and carefully put together PP. When I see a piece like this, I think to myself how great it is, but also wonder if something so "off the wall" will be appreciated by everyone else too. Then, when I look at the ratings, I find out sadly, that this is not the case. Then I ask myself, "if its not your taste - why bother to rate it so badly - just move on to something you can relate too..."

    I say this because for what it is - it is a masterpiece. A true work of art created by a very talented photo-artist, as evident by the entire portfolio. Something I admire and respect greatly. This piece is fantastic, like so much of your other work. There is nothing to criticise, without it simply becoming "taste vs. taste" and how can one argue about taste - one cannot. Only one conclusion then for me, for such a magnificent piece of work, and that is a perfect rating. Because for the intent and purpose of what it is, there is not a flaw to be found. Beautiful.

    Excellence shown,  yet again.



    Golden Drops


    What a great capture! Most of my ratings are high because I use my time on commenting on only the ones, that to - me - are of interest in a positive way. Life is too short to spend on telling others what "I" would have done - they are what they are.


    And this one... wow, just so wonderful in so many ways to mention.








    Wow amazingly brilliant suggestion - just make it b&w! :(


    You have challenged yourself by NOT taking the easy way to just go with b&w - kudos to you (obviously it looks great in bw - doesnt everything). I do agree about the red though - good suggestion there. BUT continue your own creativity. God forbid the world abided by the college hand-out on "how to make a perfect picture". How incredibly boring that would be.


    Some suggestions are worthy to hone your craft, and to build on your talent. Others will keep you acceptable to many, but interesting to few. Choose wisely.


    This photo is GREAT in colour and the subject is amazing.

    Good work - keep the juices flowing ;o)





    When I see an almost epic picture like this, I wonder how anything but a highest rating could be given to it. There is nothing to improve - except for one's own personal issues an/or taste. Unfortunately the highest rating is 7, but I give you that without hesitation.


    In the Zone


    How anyone  could not rate this a highest value is beyond me (perhaps some people either have "principal" - as in nothing is perfect - OR they just dont appreciate greatness when it stares them in the face haha. ;-)


    In my case, "greatness" is staring me square in the face.


    7 no less.



    Miss Taylor


    I love this photo and the model is wonderful. Can I steal her for one session? ;-)

    Beautiful eyes, smile, composition in a kind of 60's style look with the turquoise white balance going on. I love it!


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