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Image Comments posted by philippe_tempel


    Nice flower closeup. Only minor quibble is with the lighter area at top left. I wondoer how it would look in B&W (with and without a red filter)?

    Lost Boat

    This is one of my favorite images in your collection. Did you do some sepia toning in Photoshop? The boat provides the foreground interest and gives some depth to the shoreline. Maybe a larger scan for me to see next time? I usually shrink my images to have 600 pixels in the largest dimension.
  1. Is this your wife and bambino? Very nice. The only time I shot chromogenic B&W was when I ran the first roll of film through the 'Cord V to test it. They are shots of the now defunct WTC buildings... :-\ These two from the Leica make me want to try some more soon.

    Night Altar

    Nicely done, Robert. This night shot has an almost eerie feeling with the different lighting. I wonder how it would come out if you took a large flashlight with you and light painted one or more of the colums? Ever since I read about it in the "Give it a go" column in Photography Monthly (UK rag), I've been hankering to try it... ;-)
  2. No color stripping here. Scanned B&W film using 16-bit greyscale. Then did the usual levels, clone stamp tool for dust/scratches, a little unsharp mask and saved as a jpeg. The real key seems to be using the eye dropper in your scanning software (Epson Twain Pro) to set the white and black points correctly. I didn't know you can't use tripods in Grand Central. I guess the tripod police weren't around to chase me out...


    I like it. The composition is good in that you have the pier in the forground showing some depth and your eye goes in an arc from the pier to the boathouse to the lighthouse. I wonder how it would look at other times of the day? Maybe a shot in early morning or early evening might be interesting and "light up" the boathouse differently.


    I think it's a great action shot. And I like the cropping too. I'd rather crop tighter and keep the focus on the subject then to have everything and then some. The lights at the top do distract a little. The only way to get rid of them is to shoot from a higher position with a different angle. Difficult at best and might change the way the high jumper looks too much.


    It's good to see you break the rules of focus a little. Keep on experimenting with it. It reminds me of a still life of a lilly with a blueish background. It was shot twice in and out of focus like yours. One exposure was a little off focus with only the background lit. The second was in focus with the lilly and background lit. The double exposure created a black outline on the edges of the leaves which I thought was a very cool effect.
  3. Thanks, Phil. I like everything the red #25 filter did except the red cones on the ice rink going white. Can't have everything, now can we? ;-) I have PMK to thank for the nice tonality in the clouds (hazy sky). The only print I've made is an 6.5x6.5 inch one in B&W photo class. I'll have to try some larger paper in the lab next time and play with it a little.


    I was perusing your folder and saw this shot. I like the symmetry the best. It looks like you mirrored the pillars, reversed one and joined then at the center, no? Cool perspective. I wouldn't have though to try a manipulation like that.

    Morning Low Tide

    I would have to agree with John on the cropping. I'd crop out all of the sky except a small part. Then it will make more of a square photo which I like a lot (since I'm an apostle of the temple of TLR and square format :-). Other than that, I like your composition and the ground as it is.


    Yeah, I'd have to agree with you that we do have a TLR theme going on. :-) Put our photos together with some other cool truck pics and you have a book! Good job. Another one the the temple of TLR...
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