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Posts posted by pete_gregar1

  1. I recently purchased this lens.

    I have taken some test shots on a tripod with my 10D.

    I used ISO 100, RAW, MLU.

    I shot the lens at f/2.8 f/5.6 and f/8.0


    I didn't see much difference in sharpness, just the apparent DOF.

    I did notice that the edges were NOT sharp, they seemed to be out of


    Is this from the wide angle effect?

    Not enough DOF?


    I have a bad lens?


    Am I expecting to much from a 14mm?

    Maybe I should have bought the canon 20mm/2.8


    Anyone else have this lens?

  2. I would choose a canon lens over any other brand, but....


    If you are looking at the Sigma 24-70mm or 28-70mm/2.8, consider the Tokina 28-70 or 28-80mm/2.8. About the same price, with faster quieter AF.


    I have used the canon 28-105mm and 28-135mm. Both good choices.

  3. I have the sigma 70-200mm/2.8 with 1.4X converter.


    The element is recessed on the lens, and the converter protrudes.

    The same as the canon 1.4X.


    The diameter of the canon converter will not fit into the diameter of the sigma lens.

    It has nothing to do with the element protruding into the lens.


    I can mount the sigma 1.4X EX on the 70-200mm/2.8 300mm/2.8 300mm/4.0 400mm.... and so on.

    But I cannot mount the Sigma 1.4X EX onto a 28-80mm/2.8 sigma lens. For the protrusion issue. This is the same for canon 1.4X and canon lenses.

  4. I have a Sigma 70-200mm/2.8 that will not work with the canon 1.4X


    I am currently using the Sigma EX 1.4X.


    I just purchased the canon 300mm/4.0 IS lens.

    And I would like to get a 1.4X for it, something better then the

    Sigma 1.4X


    Anyone know if the canon 1.4X would work with the tokina ATX 80-



    I would consider selling the sigma lens for a tokina if the

    converters would work.



  5. There is a setting on the flash for TLL, E-TTL and E-TTL HSS.

    Make sure you have that turned on for the HSS.


    The flash AF assist will only work with the center AF sensor.

    Set your camera to the center sensor, then you will see the flash AF work.


    The Metz flash is better then the canon 550EX.

    You have the option of A mode, as E-TTL is less then perfect.


    The metz has a bounce strobe also, which is great for fill flash.


    The metz also has a AF assist that can be mounted on the camera, while the flash is on a bracket.


    The metz has different zoom programs, depending on the type of camera.

    Digital, 35mm or APS (maybe medium format?)


    There are other differences. These are the main ones that affect my use.

  6. I recentlt did some lens tests on my longer lenses. And was rather surprised by the results.

    300mm/2.8 USM

    100-300mm USM

    Sigma 70-200mm/2.8 with 1.4X


    The 100-300mm USM lens was much better then the Sigma with 1.4X.

    I dunno if this was a combination of the 1.4X or poor test results.


    I would look for a 100-300mm USM lens.

    the optics might not be on par with the L version.

    But it blows it away with autofocus and zooming.


    Stay away from the 75-300mm lenses....


    Or maybe the 75-300mm IS lens is in your budget, I never used this one.

  7. I had recently shot my first roll of portraits with my new 28-

    70mm/2.8 lens.

    I normally use my 85mm/1.8 for this type of work..

    I shot the 28-70mm @ f8, and the results were fantastic! As good as

    my 85mm lens. I was thinking of selling the 85mm lens, since it

    wouldn't be needed.


    I decided to test the 2 lenses wide open. (most lenses are sharp

    stopped down anyway)


    I found the 28-70mm wide open at 70mm to be terrible.

    My 28-135mm wide open at 70mm and 135mm seemed to be sharper.

    The best in my bag, was the 90mm/2.8 macro stopped down, and the 85mm

    stopped down.


    Anyone notice this on their 28-70mm/2.8?

    Maybe I had some errors in my test, maybe a bad lens or a good 28-

    135mm IS.

  8. Anyone own this lens?

    Any comments on sharpness?


    Since the lens doesn't work with TTL, I would use the sensor on my

    Metz flash. This sensor mounts on top of the camera prism, thus

    would be triggered by the hotshoe flash.


    Is the hot show disabled when a leaf shutter lens is used?

    Would I have to block the trigger on the hot shoe on the prism?


    Pentax 645N

    Metz 50MZ-5 flash

    Looking into the 135mm LS lens

  9. I have been asked by a few families for some portraits for chirstmas.

    To give as gifts, and use as greeting cards.<p>


    I have the equipment, and I am satisfied with my single portrait work.


    Anyone have some examples of posed family groups geared towards the







  10. I was using my 28-135mm IS lens with my EOS-3 and noticed that

    sometimes it would lock the camera and the BC would flash after the

    shutter released.


    Having the PB-E2 on or off the camera didn't matter.

    I noticed it mostly did it at the 35mm setting.

    But also a few times at 50mm


    I think it seemed to matter most when I had it at 28mm then zoomed to

    35mm or 50mm


    Not the same effect as being at 100mm zooming down to 50mm.

    I used a few other lenses on my Eos-3 and didn't have any problems.


    I tried the lens on my Elan 7 and there were no problems.


    anyone have this problem?

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