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Posts posted by eddie_smith1

  1. <p>I'm not a Nikon Guy (Pentax, Bronica, Olympus and a smattering of cheap Rangefinders) I've been moving back to film over the last 2 years for various reasons. It started by being tempted into MF because the prices had dropped so far It made it an affordable hobby camera<br>

    Now I'm back with 35mm because I fell in love with rangefinders and the simplicity<br>

    of course then I had to go get some old SLR Bodies to complement that<br>

    I still use digital where I need it for quick turnaround (ie concerts and other functions where i need to submit quickly) but for me shooting Film, particularly in B/W there is a magic i don't get from digital - and the next show I'm shooting Is Glen Matlock (The real Sex Pistols Bass Player) and that I will shoot on Tri-X just like when I was 16 in 76 and I shot all the early bands. I will shoot some digital at the show nonetheless for the fast turnaround<br>

    Digital I hate the PP work but am getting better at it<br>

    Film I love the darkroom but hate Scanning (so I rarely do)<br>

    Welcome back to Film</p>

  2. <p>Way too much technical here. It's about photography, capturing the moment, composing something meaningful. I shoot both film and digital and got good and bad from both. pixel peeping web comparisons bear no reality to prints. I've seen astounding large prints from a freind who is an artist shot with a point and shoot digital and printed at 30 x40, she used the softness to her advantage (and she is clueless when it comes to the technical end) I've also seen 30x40 printed from 4x5 that i though was a waste of paper - razor sharp good technically but just uninspiring may as well have printed a resolution chart...... Really i shoot film because i like the tonal qualities particularly in b/w. I will get cheap 4 bit scans done at processing on colour because i can post them to the web for distant friends to see but with my b/w and medium format stuff i rarely scan (it's a giant PITA and I can't afford an imacon or Nikon 9000 so results would just be web shots anyway. I do however make contact prints of everything and then edit and make some 4x6 proofs. If I like it or am going to use it for a show then i will print larger ( and frequently though I can do it myself I will take it to a Local B/W lab that hand prints fine art... they are much better printers than me. Film is more expensive to use but the hardware is cheap as chip now days and cared for will likely outlive me (I'm 50)<br>

    My Digital on the other hand is great for fast turnaround, and i use it to back up Film so frequently i shoot the same thing 2 ways though I much prefer film for B/w and Infrared..... really if i get an image i like I'm not concerned with how i got it just that i managed to capture the moment i was seeing in my mind<br>

    Really this constant wanking over technical specs and gear (on this forum and others I belong to) disheartens me. Get out and Shoot some pictures with whatever gear you want and enjoy life and return to what drew you to photography in the first place<br>

    One thing I will give film (whatever format) If you are shooting Manual Focus and handheld metering it will make you slow down and think about the shot, you'll spend more time composing and shoot less with more keepers this doesn't work for sports or action like concerts but for most everything else it will make you a better photographer<br>

    thats my 2 cents from a forum newbie sorry for the rant but after scrolling this thread because the topic interested me I just wanted to scream just take some pictures for Christ's sake :_)</p>

  3. <p>I've been a lurking member for a while now but think it's time to get a little more active ( I'm also a member of a few other forums)<br>

    I shoot Digital and Film Pentax, Bronica ETRSI MF, and a couple of FSU Rangefinders and Toy cameras. I've shot a lot of concerts in the last few years for a few different outlets, though recently i'm moving away from that and focusing more on documentary and street photography and working on a gallery show for the new year (2001)<br>

    A couple of recent examples of my work (I have limited Flickr access at work so they may not be my first choices just what i could see)</p>

    <p>From My Fed 5 with Jupiter 12 (which has an unfortunate light leak that didn't affect this too much) at Stravinsky Fountain in Paris<br>

    <a href=" Paris 2010 @ my favourite spot the stravinsky fountain title="Paris 2010 @ my favourite spot the stravinsky fountain by Eddie Smith, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1223/5107761693_b2bcde739c_z.jpg" width="640" height="424" alt="Paris 2010 @ my favourite spot the stravinsky fountain" /></a></p>

    <p>Pere LaChaise with K10D an smcp m 200 f4.0<br>

    <a href=" IMGP1966.jpg title="IMGP1966.jpg by Eddie Smith, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1107/5144006598_d0b0e49850_z.jpg" width="640" height="428" alt="IMGP1966.jpg" /></a></p>

    <p>Nice to meet everyone</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>If you're still tempted Arthur there is an eBay listing from seller Scranor that came up on RFF for a series 1<br>

    I'd post the link but as you know that's not allowed here<br>

    If I had the big bag of spare pennies I'd put in an offer just to try it out, you can always sell these things on if they turn out not to be suitable for your style (it came up as he originally listed it at 158,900 more than the original barnack would likely go for at auction ;-p )</p>

    <p> </p>

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