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Posts posted by tonybynum

  1. your photos should be on an external drive anyhow . . . Lightroom wont even gulp with a "small" 40k

    collection using a thunderbolt connection . . . I have a almost a 400k on a 15TB drobo using a esata and

    it does fine. performance will depend more on how you manage your catalog, the horsepower of the

    computer and the size of your previews. . . coincidentally the previews folders can get huge! I think

    julieanne kost and dave marx both have some good videos on lightroom management . . .

  2. It may be a combination of both. . . You may be creating artifacts that they done like, but they should be printing them

    anyhow. Try adorama, bay photo, or one of the larger print services, even costco can do a bang up job, they all use the

    same machines, and they all are capable of doing okay work for a good price. If you're needing high end prints go with

    west coast imaging. . .

  3. Gabe, congratulations on getting started in the world of photo journalism. . . There are mountains of posts

    here on photo.net about pricing, work for hire, business of photography, how much to charge, contracts,

    copyright, etc., start by doing some digging . . . Second, and depending on how you learn, maybe first,

    go check out the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) site . . . they also produce a book

    called, "professional business practices in photography," get a copy and read it. . . Google is also your

    friend. Google "business of photography" "photojournalism business" "how to run a photography business"

    "how much should i charge," and so on . . . Start with a better foundation of the issues, then come back

    and ask more pointed questions . . . There are a lot of great people on this site that will help, but you have

    to help yourself first . . . get cracking . . .

  4. tough to say. . . it comes down to how invested are they in that photograph, how hard would it be to

    replace it with something else . . . I would get as much detail about usage as I can including mock ups

    and numbers for size and distribution of use . . . banners, mag, billboard, advertorial, etc . . . before

    pitching a price. . . If they are not wed to the shot, you'll likely get no where with real money . . . I suspect

    there are lots of people out there just like you who give shots away (as you noted) just for seeing their

    photo in print. Ask yourself why would anyone pay you if you give your work away? Thus the importance

    of knowing how invested are they in your particular photo of that particular dog at that particular event. . .

    If they can hire someone to shoot the dog for less, why would they not just do that? So it all comes down

    to what is their demand for that exact photo . . . that will set the price . . .



  5. what are you going to be post processing? How big, and many files. how much "work" will the system

    need to be able to handle? If it's just simple photoshop or LR and youre not pushing 1000's of shots or a

    ton of video, any PC or mid to upper end laptop in the 500-1000 range will work. If, on the other hand

    youre going to be pushing huge files, lots of video, and you need correct color, you'll need to get a faster

    system. As for specs, get a 64 bit system with 8 gb of Ram or more, the more the better of course. A

    hug HD is not all that critical as portable storage these days is cheep. I've run LR 4 on everything from a

    fastes pc's to the best mac down to 5 year old dell and it works. It really depends on how big your files

    are and how hard you want to work the system . . . If i were starting over, i'd go mac if you have the

    budget, over time I think you'd be happier with it. If youre a iphone user or you have a ipad, or ipod, go

    with mac and forget about it . . .

  6. your explanation lacks clarity. be more specific about what you did . . . it sounds like you saw the

    photos on one computer but not the other (are you talking RAW or jpg?), or did you see them on both and

    now you cant? Are you talking about LR or PS? If you view in LR you have to have the most recent

    update to LR or you wont be able to read the d600 files at all. I'm a bit to confused to know really where

    your issues might be. If youre not able to see exported jpgs, I'm not sure what would cause that . . .

  7. I round to the hour, minimum of 4 . . . meaning, 1 hour will cost you the same as 4. I include costs, travel, post production on top of my hourly rate - unless otherwise agreed . . . Depending on what model you choose to use, your hourly rate must cover

    your total costs and provide some profit. Nobody knows the details of your business, so no one can

    really help you that much . . . I would encourage you to listen to the adorama video about pricing your

    work. I've posted it a dozen times I'm pretty sure if you google adorama video photography pricing you'll

    find it . . .


    If you dont mind, what did you charge per hour, how did you figure out that number, and was it enough to

    cover all of your costs and provide you with a profit? Please help this community by offering help to

    those that help you . . .

  8. i figured it out. . . in LR 4.1 - not sure if it's available in 3.0 but try it anyhow . . . go to the key words and

    right click on one, go to "edit keyword tags," you will then see several toggle options, uncheck the correct

    boxes. This basically allows you to add keywords to your images, but select which key words you do not

    want to export. . . the method of adding "not accepted" or "submitted to," kinds of key word phrases

    looks like a solution to your question. Remember to de select the "export key word" option under "edit

    keyword tags," unless you want other's to see all of your key words . . . Hope that helps . . .

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