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Image Comments posted by gfeldon



    I did a series to show glamour/fashion & pollution to try to contrast the

    two. Any commenst will be appreciated. If you have time please look at

    the album.

  1. This is an appealling shot and overall the compis fine. In this case I think it would be better if she was looking at the camera. Lovely smile that gets a bit lost because we don't see her eyes.

    Laughing Ladies


    I think you have captured the moment very well and one wonders what they were laughing about. the B&W works for me as we then concentrate on the 3 ladies and not distracted by colour.

    My only crit is that I feel the picture is a bit cramped and a little more room around them would make it feel they had more freedom to move.



    The lighting you have here is fantastic. As a small crit it may hace been good to see just a bit of backlight on his hair. Image is still fantastic.



    Hi John, thanks for the comments. I did want to get that disinterested look from him while she is trying to get his attention. I don't see it as a fashion shot really, just soemthing different.

    I agree a bit with the background William, especially the dominant bar across the top left, but it a city image.

    Appreciate the feed back guys.

    Soft Rock


    I think the prop works well and often adds some interest to the portrait as it does here. one crit is that her skin looks a bit to smooth for my liking but that is a personal choice.Great lighting.



    Thanks for looking and the comments. Alf I appreciate the crits and yes i was wanting to get the high contrast and did over expose the water and sky intentionally. Just hope it conveys my intention well enough.

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