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Image Comments posted by t_a1

  1. I like this shot for being something like a business magazine style feature on some business tycoon, but this one seems more natural. The typical photos seem too posed and are clearly shown in the context of an office, whereas this photo succesfully portrays a businessman... stopping at a bar (or perhaps an exclusive club) after work. Also, its a nice change from the blue tone that I normally expect from such images.
  2. My first thought was that the photo resembles infamous pre-1980's video/photos of hostage/terrorist situations. So therefore the the photo is successful in that way, although there is nothing really interesting going on.

    Paper Coil

    To me, the object would be more interesting if I did not know right away that it was paper, because this could just as well be some piece of art/sculpture. Very nice.


    Main thing I like, and the first thing that I noticed was the clean smooth curve of the hairline against the body, along with how much of the model's face we see... very nice. Main thing that I dislike is the contrast between the smooth body and somewhat boney hands (especially with the harsh shadows on the upper left hand).
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