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Image Comments posted by mriy



    I like what could be done with this picture. I would prefer it to be black and white and then really darken it and increase the contrast. I think it would be interesting. Also, I am curious to see how it would look embossed. As it is, it seems a little soft, some play with tones and contrast could be fun and may give you a nice gritty feel.

    Just my feeling.



    I don't think there would be a lot of benefit from this being black and white. Can always convert to B&W on the computer to get a good idea.

    Very nice Andrew Wyeth watercolor feeling, bleak and sterile. I love Andrew Wyeth.

    One thing in this portfolio is that all of the barn pictures are taken from approximately the same angle and distance, from the side of the road. Would try different angles and distances, from very close (with permission) to very far, laying down or from as high as you can safely get. I think you'll enjoy the results and it will be a lot of fun.

    I disagree with the last comment that we should all be shooting in color. I found that shooting in B&W or at least with B&W in mind helps me pay better attention to composition of objects rather than relying on the color to make a shot nice. This can make your color shots better as well.


    Keep having fun and enjoying your pictures, I've enjoyed them, too.



    I think you captured the mood you were seeking, though the fluff of hair and the bunny ears make it hard for her to look too intimidating.

    Agree with the comment on lowering your angle to make her look more imposing and have her cross the horizon. Having her completely below the horizon diminishes her slightly.

    I tried a picture like this long ago and you did a much nicer job of it. Beautiful colors.

    Costa Rica Beach


    I moved to Hawaii from Texas a few years ago and I'm still trying to figure out taking nice beach pictures that really represent the serenity and beauty of what you are seeing and feeling. I think this photo does as well as most, though I think it is a little busy with too many things to take your attention. A polarizer may have helped the person and the palms in the foreground pop out a bit more, but adding another peice of glass with the lens and the teleconverter may have ended up hurting the contrast and colors too much.


    This may sound strange, but one of the funnest beach cameras I've ever used was a $30 stereoscopic camera from the Nature Company. The picures are completely unusable for a forum like this, but can really capture that sense of the ocean going on forever behind something interesting in front. My kids like looking at the stereoscopic pictures more as well.


    I read some of your comments regarding B&W photos. I took a photo class in college years ago and most entry level classes (at least then)teach black and white so you can learn composition easier and it's cheaper to process and print yourself. I enjoy it and think that there are certain instances where color can distract when the desire is to capture a texture or pattern. Sometimes it can be sterile and I don't believe in taking B&W just for the sake of it being B&W, certainly there are better color moments.


    Nice photo

  1. Really nice and bold. Really fills the frame, really really fills the frame. The sky doesn't really bother me, I think that it being an observatory makes the inky sky even more appropriate. I think a more distant view would have been nicer where the observatory could be seen in the context of its environment with that dark sky. Just a thought. The clarity is nice.
  2. Terrific photo. Really nice capture of the moment. The tone on the guy is nice, adds to a feeling of nostalgia.

    The pattern in the flames is really interesting. As an aside, the pattern resembles an x-ray of someones intestines with barium. Makes the flames look alive and sort of twisted and flowing. The way the flame dips down gives it a lot more interest instead of it just dissipating into the air, it looks like it is going somewhere.

    Sorry no constructive criticisms, just a really nice photo.

    b&w Decanter


    I like the picture for its clarity. The decanter is a love it or hate it sort of thing, but is definitely intriguing. If I had it, I would probably want to incorporate it into a nice photo like this as well, though I doubt I could do as well as this. I found myself studying its design.

    I also like the effect of light through the different thicknesses of liquid, giving a varying range of tones.

    I agree with several points made previously. The blurring of the shoulders of the bottle are distracting and I kept looking at the frosting in the neck and comparing it to the shoulder's blurring. The rest of the picture is so sharp and crisp, this feature was confusing. Also, the full glass made me feel a little uncomfortable. A partially filled glass may have felt more realxed...why pour yourself a drink then leave it full on the table?

    The drops and the ashtray suggestions may have added a little levity and comfort.

    It is a very nice picture.


    I really like the textures that came out in the garments. Very delicate with a glowing quality, all the more better that they are nuns. I think the composition is not so interesting, perhaps more negative space in the direction in which they are looking, sort of giving them a sense of humbleness that matches their title and the saintly glow of their garments. Just a thought, though my idea may look corny. I really like the tones and texture.
  3. I just found and joined photo.net tonight and what do I see on my first visit but this beautiful photograph. I am very impressed and comforted by your vision. My first thoughts were of Edgar Allen Poe, partly because of the birds but mostly because of that feeling of dread that strikes a chord of pagan fear in most of us. Many of us try to capture that darker element of our ancient ancestry in photographs, but usually come up with something that has to be explained. Your photograph doesn't. Great job.

    Agree with others that border should be ditched and copyright is a big distraction.

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