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Image Comments posted by bryan_lardizabal

    Lunar Eclipse


    Good capture as far as metering goes. Work on the focus/aperture combination next time. Also, Does the Konica/Minolta 5D have mirror lockup? Did you have the anti-shake function on...this may have detracted from the sharpness.


    Boutique dummies


    Interesting duo! Vertical comp or crop would be better.


    Also, try using a circular polarizer next time to eliminate the reflections, especially over the face of the model on the left



    Can anyone positively ID this Hawk? I believe it's a Red Shouldered

    hawk juvenile but others say it's a Northern Harrier.

  1. Nice colors indeed! Were you using a filter? I would recommend that you try a split ND filter for the balancing the difference between sky and foreground exposure values, sky is exposed properly but foreground is too dark.

    Also, make sure the horizon is level next time.


    Here's a website that explains ND (neutral density) graduated filters http://www.singh-ray.com/


    Good luck and keep practicing

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